Sunday, February 26, 2012
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper does an imitation of former U.S. President Bill Clinton when he stated yesterday, “I did not have anything to do with those ‘Robo-calls’ that rigged the last election and gave me a majority government…”
PS: Therefore, those Canadians who said they could not vote for the opposition after getting those calls must be lying?
The Senecue Sculptor
Thursday, February 23, 2012
C.A.T. terminalia Thank You to Canada on my Birthday
Thank You to Canada on my Birthday
“The Story we won’t report”
Another Side
Mr. Kealey claims that as a developer involved in a Hull project a couple of years ago, he was asked by a minister in Brian Mulroney’s cabinet for a five percent kickback – plus $5,ooo up front – on Ministry of Public Works funds he would have received.
He refused. And he says that incident, along with another in which he says an election of a PC riding party executive was fixed, has prompted him to expose secret Tory bank accounts and Brian Mulroney’s “secret agenda.”
There have been stories done on his claims. But in reading them, I get the feeling reporters have done them almost at arm’s length, not wanting to get too involved in the story or admit too readily that Mr. Kealey may be on to something.
The story written by myself (on page a8 in today’s paper) is no different. Mr. Kealey “named names” of people involved – names of politicians and high-ranking officials he says are scamming the system. But my story doesn’t name them. Call me (and just about every other newspaper, as well as television and radio station) chicken, but the allegations are extremely serious, and libel suits are costly.
And let’s face it: The coverage Mr. Kealey has received has made him look less than a respectable source. He yells at the top of his lungs on Parliament Hill. He gives away “baloney bucks” – phoney $3 bills claiming Mulroney is trying to sell Canada to United States. He takes politicians to court for stealing his big dice and stuffed pig while he isn’t looking.
But as he points out, going through these antics is the only way the media will pay attention to him. It’s not his fault he’s portrayed this way; it’s ours, the meida. We won’t report the serious stuff.
Whether he’s right or not, he has come a long way in showing how the media operate in this country.
From what I can tell, Mr. Kealey has nothing to gain financially from his crusade. The businessman lives on donations. His friends probably wish he’d get a real job again. He is obviously intellegent, and has every confidence that he’ll be successful again when he does get back into the business world.
For now, though, he’s on a mission. And as far-fetched as some of his allegations seem, it can be hard to argue with him.
Glen Kealey is now Chairman and National President of the Canadian Institute for Political Integrity (CIPI). He may be reached at 1 … 613 … 258 … 2893.
or at
I, Jennifer Kealey, a current resident of Ogdensburg, New York, (awaiting written permission to travel 31 kilometers into Canada to visit my husband) may be contacted at 1 … 315 … 713 … 4085 or at
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Calling on all
Original, analytical, and determined team thinkers.
Have an exceptional ability to turn their hypotheses into solid plans of action.
Highly value wisdom, competence, and freelance.
Driven to derive meaning from their combined visions.
Long-range thinkers.
Have very high standards for their performance and the performance of others.
(Vic Toews’s corrupt Fascists and Bob Rae’s corrupt Communists need not apply)
Glen and Jennifer Kealey
Canadian Institute for Political Integrity
Tel: 1 … (613) … 258 … 2893
Fax: 1 … (613) … 258 … 0015
Friday, February 10, 2012
Vic Toews unveils wide counter terrorism strategy
Glen and Jennifer
6:52 PM on 2/9/2012
Manchurian Candidates are genetically and socially engineered to kill just 1
person, usually the leader. What you need to worry about more are "Paraguayan"
Candidates. These are children who have been genetically and socially
engineered as sleeper cells; controlled by foreign powers. They are funded during
political campaigns and supported by secret religious societies. If they succeed
they rise to the level of minister of Public Safety, the 2nd or 3rd highest rank in
democratic government. From that position they are perfectly placed to direct
the mass extermination of the people they claim to serve. Remember, #2 IS
Glen and Jennifer Kealey
The Nordan Sculptors
Monday, February 6, 2012
Nuns Spirit of Melissa
Nuns Spirit of Melissa
The New York Giants (“G” natsi) repeated their 2008 final minute “theft” of professional football’s Superbowl (IVLX) when they won the game in Indianapolis, Indiana last night, therefore confirming their supremacy over the New England Patriots (Vatican Christians and Freemasonry’s “double-crossers”).
Going back in time the NATSI’s set the stage with a 21 – 17 win over American Baptists and Ana Baptists of the New World. The GREY NUN ORDER must have been laughing in their German beer (*Klosterfrau Melissengeist). Their “Cloister within a Cloister” will be pumping out Vic Toews Mennonite Golden Boys called “SUE”; thus authorizing “thunder under the bay” on Lake Superior; therefore launching the blind thrust called “the Loo at the Soo” during this “LEAP year” (pea year);… please see Madonna’s World Pea-ce finale.
*Klosterfrau Melissengeist [Nuns Spirit of Melissa] – “ The cornerstone of one of the oldest and, until to-date, most successful German medicine, “Klosterfrau Melissengeist”, was laid through the establishment of the company “Maria Clementine Martin Klosterfrau” in 1826 in Cologne by a nun with that name. The distillate, made from the essential oil of the medical plant cloistral Melissa with its intensive odor, is found in almost every third medicine chest in Germany.”
Melissa Composition:
100 ml of Klosterfrau Melisana® preparation contains aromatic oils in an alcohol: balm leaves 0.536g, scabwort rootstalk 0.714g, angelica root 0.714g, ginger root 0.714g, clove flowers 0.285g, galangal rootstalk 0.285g, black pepper fruits 0.071g, gentian rootstalk 0.714g, nutmeg seed 0.071g, dried bitter-orange peel 0.714g, cinnamon bark 0.321g, cassia flowers c. 0.036g, cardamom fruits 0.001g, ethyl alcohol 79%.
True Carmelite
Maria Clementine Martin, founder of the Klosterfrau firm, was born in 1775 in Brussels, at the time the capitol of “Austrian Netherlands”, as the daughter of an Imperial officer from Tyrol, Johann Heinrich de Martin and his wife Christine of the von Mergenthal line.
Maria Clementine Martin was 14 years old when the French revolution broke out in Paris. The fall of the Bastille was the first in a chain of events that had far-reaching consequences not only for the life of the young woman but also for all of Europe.
Maria Clementine entered the Convent of St. Anne in Coesfeld, where, for 10 years she worked at taking care of the sick and ill. During this period she intensified and deepened her knowledge of the secrets of growing and cultivation of herbs; she perfected old recipes and developed new medicinal/pharmacological preparations. With a recommendation from her convent, she travelled to neighboring convents, where her knowledge of the medical arts turned out to be very necessary. She also spent time in her native city of Brussels, where she produced the “true Carmelite drink-balm”
Glen and Jennifer Kealey (The Nordan Sculptors)