Sunday, September 27, 2009


- "The Japanese believed that the world was enclosed in an egg before creation, which floated on the surface of the waters. At this period a prickle appeared among the waves which became spirit, from which sprang six other spirits, who, with their wives, were the parents of a race of heroes, from whom proceeded the original inhabitants of Japan. They worshiped a deity who was styled the son of the unknown god, and considered as the creator of the two great lights of heaven."

"The egg was always esteemed an emblem of the earth."

"There is a pagoda at Micoa consecrated to a hieroglyphic bull, which is placed on a large square altar and composed of solid gold. His neck is adorned with a very costly collar. The most remarkable thing is the egg, which he pushes with his horns, and he grips it with his forefeet. This bull is placed on the summit of a rock, and the egg floats in water which is enclosed in a hollow space in it. The egg represents the chaos; and what follows is the illustration which the doctors of Japan have given of this hieroglyphic. The whole world at the time of the chaos was enclosed within this egg, which floated on the surface of the waters. The moon, by virtue of her light and other influences, attracted from the bottom of these waters a terrestrial substance which was insensibly converted into a rock, and by that means the egg rested upon it. The bull observing this egg, broke the shell of it by goring it with his horns, and so created the world, and by his breath formed the human species."

This fable may be in some measure be reconciled with truth, by supposing that an ancient tradition had preserved among the Japanese some idea of the world, but that led to error, in process of time, by an ambiguous meaning of the name of the bull, which in Hebrew language is attributed to the Deity, they ascribed the creation of the world to this animal and not to the Supreme Being.

To the prickle among the waves

"May be referred the Gothic idol Seater, which is thus described by Verstegan from Johannes Pomarius ("Restitution of Decayed Intelligence'). First on a pillar was placed a perch on the sharp prickled back whereof stood this idol. He was lean of visage, having long hair and a long beard, and was bare headed and bare footed. In his left hand he held up a wheel; and in his right he carried a pail of water, wherein were flowers and fruits. His long coat was girded on him with a towel of white linen. His standing on the sharp fins of this fish was to signify that the Saxons, for serving him, should pass steadfastly and without harm in dangerous and difficult places.

"The caverns of initiations were in immediate vicinity of the temples, and generally in the midst of a grove, and near a stream of water. They had mirrors, which were to signify that the imperfections of the heart were as plainly displayed to the sight of the gods, as the worshipers behold their own image in the mirror. Hence it became a significant emblem of all observing eye of the god, Tensio Dai in.

"The term of probation for the highest degrees was twenty years; and even the hierophant was not competent to perform the ceremony until he himself had been initiated the same period; and his five assistants must have had ten years' experience from the date of their admission before they were considered competent to take this subordinate part of initiation. The aspirant was taught to subdue his passions, and devote himself to the practice of austerities, ans studiously abstain from every carnal indulgence.

"In the closing ceremony of preparation, he was entombed with the pastos, or place of penance, the door of which was said to be guarded by a terrible divinity, armed with a drawn sword, as the vindictive fury or god of punishment. During the course of his probation the aspirant sometimes acquired such a high degree of enthusiasm as induced him to refuse to quit his confinement in the pastos; and to remain there until he literally perished from famine. To this voluntary martyrdom was attached a promise of never ending happiness in the paradise of Amidas. Indeed, the merit of such a sacrifice was boundless. His memory was celebrated with unusual rejoicings. The initiations, however, were dignified with an assurance of a happy immortality to all, who passed through the rites honorably and with becoming fortitude.

"Rings or circles of gold as amulets were worn as emblems of eternity, virtually consecrated, and were supposed to convey the blessing of along and prosperous life; and a chaplet of consecrated flowers or sacred plants and boughs of trees, which, being suspended about the doors of their apartments, prevented the ingress of impure spirits; and hence their dwellings were exempted from the visitations of disease or calamity."

His Story of Freed Ma Sons