Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Memo from God’s BOSS
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Canada’s Seaway is chilly and cold, Halley’s-loo-jah
Abounds with tails of Gill-ded soles, Halley’s-loo-jah
This old Shield is a mighty big place, Halley’s-loo-jah
Gonna have water all around the place, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Oh Glen Kealey he built a raft, Halley’s-loo-jah
Worked from dawn to after dark, Halley’s-loo-jah
Waiting for wife on America’s shore, Halley’s-loo-jah
She longs to see him but has an Order, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Did you hear what Glen Kealey said, Halley’s-loo-jah
While the world thought he was dead, Halley’s-loo-jah
“I’ll be taking me a ride”, Halley’s-loo-jah
“On that raft I have outside”, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Ole Michael he had a vision, Halley’s-loo-jah
Canadian Shield it had risen, Halley’s-loo-jah
Since he returned from foreign shores, Halley’s-loo-jah
Has a quest and needs some voters, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Tories nailed “Jesus” (He’s “US”) to the cross, Halley’s-loo-jah
Replaced our HOPE with PENTECOST, Halley’s-loo-jah
So Canadian voters queue the line, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael’s raft must be on time, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Jennifer Kealey at Ogdensburg knows, Halley’s-loo-jah
Plans are… America’s next to go, Halley’s-loo-jah
So Mississauga heel and Toews, Halley’s-loo-jah
Creation knows all you do and say, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Mum Superior says at House of God, Halley’s-loo-jah
Arizona must be sent home, Halley’s-loo-jah
Can’t just keep them on the phone, Halley’s-loo-jah
Or fat bottom ladies won’t rock the world we own, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Michael row the raft ashore, Halley’s-loo-jah
Bing, Being, Boeing, Beijing, Bang
TELEPHONE: 1 … 613 … 258 … 2893
Glen Kealey, Hairman and National President
Canadian Institute for Political Integrity (CIPI)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A-men Self-styled Kaguya (made from fossilized excrement)
Ova-Fusion and the Elimination of the Male
![]() Hank Pellissier |
Ethical Technology
Posted: Feb 2, 2011
Kaguya indicates Yes.

In December 2009, a second report revealed that thirteen more fatherless “Kaguyas” had been developed. Once again, notes the abstract, “genetic material from mouse eggs was manipulated so it would behave like sperm genes.” The subsequent “pups” with no genes from a daddy lived 28% longer than the control mice.
A 28% gain would bulk up longevity from today’s top male average of 80.2 years (Iceland) to an astounding new median of 103 years. But that’s nowhere near the top end. One of the Kaguyas lived 57% longer, and if we apply this to today’s long-lived Japanese women (avg. 86.4), their life span hurtles past Jeanne Calment’s 122 years, resting finally at almost 137.
Bi-maternal mice have an improved immune system due to an increase in a type of white blood cell, and they are considerably smaller in size. A December 2010 follow-up report by the Tokyo team suggested strongly that the additional years of the mice were due to the elimination of the Rasgrf1 gene.
Sperm, apparently, is detrimental to health. So… bye-bye, boys?
This is not the first time wholesale fratricide has been hinted at. My article title updates a chapter subhead - “Elimination of the Male and Human Parthenogenesis” - that appeared in Remy de Gourmont’s 1917 book, The Natural Philosophy of Love. That author asserted, “male is an accident: the female would have sufficed.”
In the 1950s another Frenchman, experimental biologist Jean Rostand, opined that parthenogenesis would make it “inevitable that a new kind of human being - according to our present knowledge they will all be girls - will appear in society and will be aware of their extraordinary origin… Realization of the fact that the male has ceased to be necessary for propagation will not fail to exercise a profound effect on the relations between men and women.”
Since the 1960s, biologists have recognized that many whiptail lizards, genus Aspidoscelis, are unisexual - all female - with the ability to reproduce with each other after courtship and “pseudo-copulation.”
In the 1970s and 1980s lesbian separatist science fiction writers began imagining methods of creating a sustainable culture without needing men for procreation. In 1975, The Female Man, by Joanna Russ, presented the “merging of ova” in a female society. The Y Chromosome, by Leora Gom (1990), also had females multiply via “ova-fusion,” a procedure eerily forecasting Kaguya’s emergence.
In 2008, Dr. Robert Sparrow, Senior Lecturer at Monash University’s Centre for Human BioEthics in Melbourne, posited that “hermaphrodite” women could emerge as world rulers, with no men required. He argued that, “to achieve things [such as] increasing people’s IQ or life expectancy… you have to ask why we shouldn’t all be girls.”.....
Bing, Being, Boeing, Beijing, Bang
TELEPHONE: 1 ... 613 ... 258 ... 2893
Glen Kealey, National President
Canadian Institute for Political Integrity (CIPI)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Nuns Outraged by Goldman Sachs (from msn. money and
Goldman Sachs, who claims it is doing “God’s Work”, is being challenged over its pay policies by shareholders invoking an even higher authority: four orders of nuns.
Four orders are all investors in Goldman Sachs and have sent the bank a formal challenge over the excessive ways the bank compensates employees, after it emerged that its five most senior employees were collectively awarded $69.5 million in pay last year.
The nuns – Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston ( founded in Le Puy, France by Jesuit Jean Paul Medaille and recognized in 1650, with their rule based on the tenets of St. Augustine; taking vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and having an active diocese in Tucson, Arizona), Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur (founded in Amiens, France and taking vows of chastity and living under the rule of St. Ignatius of Loyola which includes obedience and poverty) and responsible for founding Trinity Washington University in Washington D. C. in 1897; which by 1997 had become the private college of choice for the women of D.C. Public schools, Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia (founded on the rule of St. Francis of Assisi and taking vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience), and the Benedictine Sisters of Mount Angel (vows of obedience, stability, and conversion of life; which includes poverty and chastity) – have asked that shareholders demand the board review the company’s executive compensation policies and submit a report of that review by October 1, 2011.
Nuns sue Morgan Stanley over bad investment deal ( 8/12/2010
It looks like the wrath of God is about to descend on Morgan Stanley with reports that the investment bank is being sued by a group of Irish nuns, notably the Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary, the Holy Faith Sisters, and the Irish Veterinary Benevolent Fund for failing to satisfy its contractual obligations related to $7.9 million of bonds they purchased, resulting in what became almost the complete wipeout of their investment.
If the Sisters of Charity (taking vows of chastity, obedience and poverty, founded by St. Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac, both of France; this order being associated with Sisters of Charity of Montreal i.e. Grey nuns) website is anything to go by, it looks like Morgan Stanley is in for a tough time and it will be accused of doing the devil’s work.
But then, one can also ask why nuns are investing in financial markets. Or is that God’s work?
In the various branches of the Benedictine tradition (Benedictines, Cistercians, Camaldomese, and Trappists among others) nuns take vows of stability (that is, to remain a member of a single monastic community), obedience (to an abbess or prioress), and “conversion of life” (which includes poverty and chastity). The “Poor Clares” (a Franciscan order) and those Dominican nuns who lived a cloistered life take the threefold vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Most orders of nuns not listed here follow one of these two patterns, with some orders taking an additional vow related to the specific work or character of their order (for example, to undertake a certain style of devotion, praying for a specific intention or purpose).
Copied from originals by
Angel of Creation81
Monday, April 4, 2011
Critical Mats and Toms
I am CSUN SAM I am
Quarks with Quirks are both the Table- and Door-
Mats as well as the Mitts
Of the Northridge California Woo World,
The twits and twats;
Unicycle Mikes and Dykes on a Bike
They are the Convenient Delusionists
Of the False Memory Syndrome
Glen E. P. Kealey, Chairman
Canadian Institute for Political Integrity
Friday, April 1, 2011
Committee of 300
The Committee of 300 aka The Olympians is a group allegedly founded by the British aristocracy in 1727. It is alleged to be an international council which organizes politics, commerce, banking, media, and the military for centralized global efforts. The figure of 300 is derived from the 1909 article Geschaftlicher Nachwuchs by Walter Rathenau.
Former British MI6 Intelligence Officer Dr. John Coleman’s book “The Conspirators Hierarchy, the Committee of 300” alleges first hand information and encounters with this group by the author.
Possibly known also as the “Hidden Hand”, headed up by the Rothschild family of international financiers and based loosely around many of the top National Banking institutions and Royal Families of the world.
The so-called Fukushima 50, who actually are a group of about 300 people who have been working in shifts of 50, have become heroes in Japan and are known as atomic “samurai” (symbolically the Committee of 300)
Lower Michigan peninsula is the mitt that covers and hides the work of the Fjord Foundation
Upper New York contains the Finger Lakes that occupy the glove
(love is lava cleansing)
Bing, Being, Boeing, Beijing, Bang
TELEPHONE: 1 … 613 … 258 … 2893
Glen Kealey, National President
Canadian Institute for Political Integrity