Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Administrative-Investigative Nurse Forced To Apply For Food Stamps Once Blacklisted By Ogdensburg Hospitals
Department of Social Services July 16, 2012
Administrative-Investigative Nurse Forced To Apply For Food Stamps Once Blacklisted By Ogdensburg Hospitals
Department of Social Services
St. Lawrence County
6 Judson Street
Canton, New York 13617-1196
Attention: Linda Cota
Dear Ms. Cota;
dropped off the requested materials at the front desk this morning for
the food stamp program so that copies could be made for my file. The
receptionist informed me that you would not be in until 9 AM, so I
returned to Ogdensburg. Upon reflection, I have decided to mail these
copies of documents to you rather than make a trip back.
enclosed copies are what I have thus far recently received from the
state of New York in answer to my application for Health Care Surveyor
II mailed on September 29th, 2011 along with New York state
civil service exam score of 100%, as well as proof of my “interview” for
St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center September 17th, 2010 and the civil service exam score of 90%.
also include herein my recommendation from my last employer and IDR
results on the May 2010 facility survey during which time I was the
director of nursing at Clearview.
have literally copies of 2 years worth of work applications submitted
from July 2010 through May 2012 for work, which include: 1) at least 4
to 5 applications and letters submitted to United Helpers and St.
Joseph’s Home in Ogdensburg over this period of time and during which
time stated to me that they had openings, 2) multiple letters sent to
the State of New York Mental Health Board in regard to being told
numerous times that there were no nursing positions available at St.
Lawrence and that they always advertise even if though there are “no
openings”, yet I have spoken to RNs employed there who will testify
I have applied at Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center at least twice and
written letters to the board of directors who have not responded, after
being told in an interview in 2010 that I must know about IV medications
and their administration because all the nurses on the psych floor may
be sent to other floors, as well as the psych floor being staffed by
nurses from other floors. I had made it clear to the nurse manager of
the psychiatric floor that my background was in psychiatric nursing and
stated that if a patient should require IV administration, they will not
be kept on a psychiatric floor. Was I being told that I might be sent
to another floor, thereby requiring me to work out of my area of
expertise? This is not a tenable situation for either any prospective
patients (patient safety) or for me as an RN with a license. I was given
a medication study guide and told that I must pass a medication test
that featured the content of the study guide; the study guide had
advanced questions concerning IV administration that I have never
utilized because my background is clinical psychiatric and long term
care of Alzheimer’s and dementia care, as well as nursing management.
have submitted and resubmitted applications for nursing positions in
surrounding communities to no avail since August 2010. I have done the
same for employment here in Ogdensburg for positions in grocery stores,
drug stores, clothing stores, the laundromat etc., full well knowing
that I could not survive on minimum wage. The results were 1 interview
at a Walgreens drug store.
My FED-ED extension of unemployment benefits from California was ended prematurely May 12th, 2012. Since that time I have survived on help from a friend, who can no longer help.
husband, Glen Kealey, is the founder and volunteer (unpaid) chairman of
the Canadian Institute for Political Integrity and lives in Oxford
Mills, Ontario on a hobby farm. Due to my husband’s circumstances in Canada
of being defrauded out much of his old age security allowance benefits
and rebates and other benefits by political employees of the government
of Canada, he is unable to assist me to any degree.
do not know how I will pay my rent ($400.00/mo.) and car payments (I
have only $3,233.02 left to pay) in August, both due on the 9th. I cannot make payments on 2 credit card bills which I needed to use to survive due the 20th-21st
of August. I cannot pay for phone/ cell phone, basic cable, and
internet; all of which have been needed for security purposes and
research during this time. I am badly in need of dental care. I need to
see an optometrist/ ophthalmologist for eye care.
I now have these letters sent to me from the state of New York
asking me to contact them in regard to Nurse Surveyor II positions. I
understand that interviews by the area agencies are required as part of
the process. I am in the position of being unable, given my present
circumstances of no funds, to be able to afford to travel to these
agencies for interviews that would likely also require an overnight stay
due to the distance from Ogdensburg.
understand at this time that I do not qualify for any other assistance
from the county or state because I am not pregnant, on disability, have
minor children with me, and I am not out on the street, etc. My
understanding is that the most aid I could receive would be “$350.00”
per month.
My questions to you about this are why does the state of New York
want to wait until the very worst occurs before they will assist
someone? After someone is out on the street this is much more expensive
to reverse, and may not be feasible. Does this not contribute to the
problem rather than help to solve it in a win-win situation?
most important question here is: Why was I not hired by any of these
nursing facilities in Ogdensburg, New York; all of whom I am very well
qualified to have a position with, and must now apply to Social Services
for what little assistance I am able to get?
What do all of these facilities in Ogdensburg have to hide from an administrative- “investigator” nurse?
Jennifer Ann Kealey
Cc: Congressman Bill Owens
Brian Kidwell, Ogdensburg Journal
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