Silence is Betrayal
I will share all the truth I discover.
Monday, March 8, 2021
A Different Point of View
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
It has been 9 months since the death of my husband Glen Kealey, brought about by having his hydro shut off in April 2016 followed by interfering with food I was ordering and having delivered to him and the cats, followed by stealing $900.00 a month from the electronically deposited pension/ old age pension from his CIBC account at the Kemptville branch beginning June 2019 and every month after this until he was dead. He was approached by Victim Services Leeds Grenville counties and promised a tent to live in, which they never acted upon. The tent that he received was from a concerned person in Scotland. Our home was ruined by having no hydro and damaged beyond repair by constant flooding into the basement because the sump pump would not work without electricity. He was marinated by all of you by using these tactics before he was murdered in the end all of you. You are all held accountable by CREATION and will be tried for this in the Pineal Court. Charges have already been laid against you.
I could not be with him because of you, not even as he lay dying. I had no say in what happened to his body because of all of you. I found that he was listed as single on his death certificate by a person that was told by me was married to me. This has been listed on his death certificate. I called the registrar to correct this and was sent a form that says I must send notice to the person who provided the the information on the original statement and I do not have this information. I must send a photocopy of Revenue Canada Statement just prior to his death that includes his marital status and death. This would be impossible because Revenue Canada refused all this time to acknowledge our marriage.
Revenue Canada tried to collect the forms that I filled out and hand- carried to the Supreme Court building in Ottawa from Justice Canada for a Leave to appeal which had been recommended that I do by IRB Judge Patrick Lemieux when he heard my case before the IRB in July 2014 and then went on leave due to his wife giving birth. The security guards in the Supreme Court building on the fifth floor told Glen and I when we came to turn in the paperwork that 2 women from Revenue Canada were just there looking for it.
This filing was acknowledged by Crown attorney Max Binnie in a registered letter and Glen called him and asked what the next step was. He told Glen a registered letter would come with the date. The letter never came. We received a letter in December 2014 that the hearing date had been November 6, 2014 and my leave to appeal had been cancelled because I was not there.
Revenue Canada is complicit in my illegal removal from Canada and is complicit in the death of Glen Kealey along with all the other bureaucrats in Canada who colluded together to do this.
The persons in the government of Canada are just as guilty as those who committed these crimes against Glen Kealey and myself because they have done nothing to correct this.
A photo of the receipt to Immigration Canada dated October 1, 2010 is available on the blog site. If I send it through the email to anyone in Canada it is immediately scrambled so it cannot be seen.
Mrs. Jennifer Ann Kealey
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Typical Bureaucratic Games
-Jennifer Kealey
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
OPP Modus Operandi
Date: December 10, 2019 at 11:16:46 AM PST
To: "Runciman, Suzanne (OPP)"
Subject: Re: From: Kim Little
No that is not what went on Ms. Runciman and you know it.
Glen was told he would be arrested by the OPP if he did not go. THAT is NOT a choice. Further you only state a diagnosis such as that when it is already known that the person is going to die. Kemptville District Hospital keeps a box of toxins that are used on people that are scheduled to be disposed of and this is per the CIPI investigators aka Cell Investigations Unlimited who work for CREATION and the Pineal Court.
That is how Tom Byberg, Glen’s boarder was disposed of . The court has all the data now.
I spoke to the coroner Bob Reddoch and when the OPP realized that I had the truth they trespassed on our property and kidnapped me without a warrant or judges order. Their fear was that they would be implicated in Tom’s murder.
Glen always said the OPP drive the getaway car for the criminals.
He told me while in the hospital that he had been lied to.
He had earlier told me that you two told him you would help get me back there. I told him he was being lied to.
And I was right.
Glen was being poisoned. He insisted on a liver biopsy. I was on the phone when Dr. Kamal admitted to Glen that there was no firm or certain diagnosis of liver cancer and it required a liver biopsy to have that diagnosis. What a surprise that he died the day before that biopsy. Same shit different day.
Your email does not move me because from the start you made it clear that I did not exist as have all the bureaucrats in Canada. Canada is corrupt and this is what will become known to the world in 2020 because of what all of you did to Glen and me.
Brockville is responsible for what was done to me and now the murder of Glen. May your god have mercy on all of you involved because CREATION will not.
Mrs. Jennifer Ann Kealey
On Dec 10, 2019, at 8:28 AM, Runciman, Suzanne (OPP)
Mrs Kealey
So sorry for you loss Jennifer.
I have only gotten to know Glen since this September. In that short time I grew very fond of him and am also saddened by his death. Robin TeKamp and I assisted him as best we could, checking him often, when he was living in the tent, and when in hospital, feeding the animals and providing him with a housecoat, some basic essentials and visiting with him. I did not diagnose your husband, but was aware , from the hospital that he was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer. Robin and I had noticed, at his tent, that he looked ill, had difficulty walking and he expressed that he was in pain. On our last visit with him, at his tent, he agreed to be transported to the Brockville General Hospital.
Again, sorry for your loss. Glen was a great person and I can only imagine how hard it must be for you.
From: Jenn Doe []
Sent: 6-Dec-19 1:54 PM
To: Runciman, Suzanne (OPP)
Subject: Fwd: From: Kim Little
CAUTION -- EXTERNAL E-MAIL - Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender.
What gave you the right to diagnose Glen before there was a diagnosis and to send it to a stranger? I am Glens legal wife.
Mrs. Jennifer Ann Kealey
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jennifer Ann Kealey
Date: December 4, 2019 at 8:02:30 AM PST
To: Andrew Challen
Subject: From: Kim Little
From: Kim Little
Date: December 3, 2019 at 5:41:56 AM PST
To: ""
Cc: Kim Little
Subject: Fwd: Glen Kealey
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Kim Little
Date: 1 December, 2019 1:33:29 PM EST
To: "Runciman, Suzanne (OPP)"
Subject: Re: Glen Kealey
Hi Sue,
Indeed this is disheartening news.
Thanks again for your support
Sent from my iPhone
On 2019-11-29, at 8:29 AM, "Runciman, Suzanne (OPP)"
Glen is still in hospital and Robin and I will be continuing to support him. He is in poor condition medically and the staff at the hospital have been very nice and understanding. Unfortunately, he has been diagnosed with advanced liver cancer and he was informed of this yesterday.
Thank you for the kind message.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kim Little []
Sent: 28-Nov-19 6:53 PM
To: Runciman, Suzanne (OPP)
Subject: Glen Kealey
CAUTION -- EXTERNAL E-MAIL - Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender.
Hi Suzanne,
Hoping Glen is in good hands and on his way to recovery. Thanks for your help.
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, December 9, 2019
For telling the truth this is what Canada does
From: Jenn Doe <>
Date: December 9, 2019 at 12:25:47 PM PST
Subject: For telling the truth this is what Canada does
I was told this morning by a retired Canadian attorney that there is nothing that can be done about the situation because Canada is too riddled with corruption and the legal profession and the ministry of justice Canada is corrupt. He said I would have been labeled as “ incorrigible “ and would never be allowed to enter Canada. He said he is done with it all and is ready to die; send the LOO, he doesn’t care. He is directly in the path of it. I told him this. He said so be it.
Cover up by OPP who drive the getaway car for the criminals
From: Jenn Doe <>
Date: December 9, 2019 at 6:57:32 PM PST
Subject: Cover up by OPP who drive the getaway car for the criminals
Sent from my iPhone
On 2019-11-29, at 8:29 AM, "Runciman, Suzanne (OPP)" <> wrote:KimGlen is still in hospital and Robin and I will be continuing to support him. He is in poor condition medically and the staff at the hospital have been very nice and understanding. Unfortunately, he has been diagnosed with advanced liver cancer and he was informed of this yesterday.Thank you for the kind message.Sue-----Original Message-----From: Kim Little [] Sent: 28-Nov-19 6:53 PMTo: Runciman, Suzanne (OPP) <>Subject: Glen KealeyCAUTION -- EXTERNAL E-MAIL - Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender.Hi Suzanne,Hoping Glen is in good hands and on his way to recovery. Thanks for your help.KimSent from my iPhone
The tent Glen Kealey has to live in because you who could have done something did nothing
From: Jenn Doe <>
Date: December 9, 2019 at 6:22:52 PM PST
Subject: The tent Glen Kealey has to live in because you who could have done something did nothing