On March 1, 2007, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released draft regulations to implement the requirements of the Real ID. States and other interested parties will have 60 days to comment on the draft regulations before DHS issues final regulations.
To date, Congress has appropriated only $40 million to assist states with the implementation, of which only $6 million has been obligated. The President's FY2008 budget proposal did not include any funds for states to implement the requirements of the Real ID. According to a study conducted by NCSL, the National Governors Association and the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, the act will cost states more than $11 billion to implement over five years and will have a major impact on services to the public. In addition, DHS estimates the cost of the implementation of the Real ID will exceed $23 billion.

Real ID: Federal Issues
- Full Text of the Act
History of the REAL ID Act
- Related Federal Legislation
- REAL ID Testimony and Statements
- NCSL Policy on the Real ID Act
- State Legislators and Governors Submit Comments on the Draft Regulations to Implement the Real ID Act
- DHS’s Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee Comment on the Real ID
- Senator Leticia Van de Putte Testifies Before Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee on the Real ID
History of the REAL ID Act |