Everywhere among the ancients the number three was deemed the most sacred of numbers. A reverence for its mystical virtues is to be found even among the Chinese, who say that numbers begin at one and are made perfect at three, and hence they denote the multiplicity of any object by repeating the character which stands for it three times. In the philosophy of Plato, it was the image of the Supreme Being, because it includes in itself the properties of the two first numbers, and because, as Aristotle says, it contains within itself a beginning, a middle, and an end. The Pythagoreans called it perfect harmony. So sacred was this number deemed by the ancients, that we find it designating some of the attributes of almost all the gods. The thunder-blot of Jove was three-forked; the sceptre of Neptune was a trident; Cereberus, the dog of Pluto, was three-headed; there were three fates and three Furies; the sun had three names, Apollo, Sol, and Liber; and the moon three also, Diana, Luna, and Hecate. In all incantations three was a favorite number, for, as Virgil says, "numero Dues impari gaudet," God delights in an odd number. A triple cord was used, each cord of three different colors, white, red, and black; and a small image of the subject of the charm was carried thrice around the altar, as we see in Virgil's eighth eclogue:
The Druids paid no less respect to this sacred number. Throughout their whole system, a reference is constantly made to its influence; and so far did their veneration for it extend, that even their sacred poetry was composed in triads.
In all the mysteries, from Egypt to Scandanavia, we find a sacred regard for the number three. In the rites of Mithras, the Empyrean was said to be supported by three intelligences, Ormuzd, Mithra, and Mithras. In the rites of Hindustan, there was the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva. It was, in short, a general character of the mysteries to have three principle officers and three grades of initiation.
In Freemasonry, the ternary is the most sacred of all the mystical numbers. Beginning with the old axiom of the Roman Artificers, that tres faciunt collegium, or it requires three to make a college, they have established the rule that not less than three shall congregate to form a Lodge. Then in all the Rites, whatever may be the number of superimposd grades, there lie at the basis the three symbolic degrees. There are in all the degrees three principal officers, three supports, three greater and lesser lights, three movable and three immovable jewels, three principal tenets, three working tools of a Fellow Craft, three principle orders of architecture, three chief human senses, three ancient Grand Masters. In fact, everywhere in the system the number three is presented as a prominent symbol. So much is the case, that all the other mystical numbers depend upon it, for each is a multiple of three, its square or its cube , or derived from them. Thus 9,27, 81, are formed by the multiplication of three, as 3X3=9, and 3²x3=27, and 3²x3²=81.
But in nothing is the Masonic signification of the ternary made more interesting than in its connection with sacred delta, the symbol of the Deity.[See Triangle]
"Terna tibi haec primum, triplici divers colore,
Licia circumdo, terque hanc altaria circum
Effigiem duco."
"First I surrond these three peices of list,
and I carry the image three times round the altars."
Licia circumdo, terque hanc altaria circum
Effigiem duco."
"First I surrond these three peices of list,
and I carry the image three times round the altars."
The Druids paid no less respect to this sacred number. Throughout their whole system, a reference is constantly made to its influence; and so far did their veneration for it extend, that even their sacred poetry was composed in triads.
In all the mysteries, from Egypt to Scandanavia, we find a sacred regard for the number three. In the rites of Mithras, the Empyrean was said to be supported by three intelligences, Ormuzd, Mithra, and Mithras. In the rites of Hindustan, there was the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva. It was, in short, a general character of the mysteries to have three principle officers and three grades of initiation.
In Freemasonry, the ternary is the most sacred of all the mystical numbers. Beginning with the old axiom of the Roman Artificers, that tres faciunt collegium, or it requires three to make a college, they have established the rule that not less than three shall congregate to form a Lodge. Then in all the Rites, whatever may be the number of superimposd grades, there lie at the basis the three symbolic degrees. There are in all the degrees three principal officers, three supports, three greater and lesser lights, three movable and three immovable jewels, three principal tenets, three working tools of a Fellow Craft, three principle orders of architecture, three chief human senses, three ancient Grand Masters. In fact, everywhere in the system the number three is presented as a prominent symbol. So much is the case, that all the other mystical numbers depend upon it, for each is a multiple of three, its square or its cube , or derived from them. Thus 9,27, 81, are formed by the multiplication of three, as 3X3=9, and 3²x3=27, and 3²x3²=81.
But in nothing is the Masonic signification of the ternary made more interesting than in its connection with sacred delta, the symbol of the Deity.[See Triangle]
By Glen Kealey
Insight into A, B, CC (three)
A or One is the symbolic 2 in 1 slave, aka a hermaphrodite road flare
B or Two is the symbolic "Yoke" for a pair of neutered oxen
C or half a Three (written backwards) is symbolic of a partial male (8)
The Vatican's P1 is male and P2 is weemale, thus part of both--being partial 8 included within a pseudo hermaphrodites--parts of a NEW MAN, with in the ONE POD BELT
See Pierre Elliott Trudeau, former Prime Minister of Canada
Quote from Michele Obama
B or Two is the symbolic "Yoke" for a pair of neutered oxen
C or half a Three (written backwards) is symbolic of a partial male (8)
The Vatican's P1 is male and P2 is weemale, thus part of both--being partial 8 included within a pseudo hermaphrodites--parts of a NEW MAN, with in the ONE POD BELT
See Pierre Elliott Trudeau, former Prime Minister of Canada
Quote from Michele Obama