Monday, May 3, 2010

Their M.otto, "We Aim to Please HAL" Robots on OTTO PILOT

In imitation of the sentences appended to the coat of arms and seals of the gilds and other societies, the Masons have for the different branches of their Order mottoes, which are placed on their banners, or put at the head of their documents, which are said to be expressive of the character and the design, either of the whole Order or of the particular branch to which the motto belongs., but if overstood one sees that it applies to the system as a whole, letting you know who they work for. Thus, in Ancient Craft Masonry they have as mottoes the sentences, Ordo Ab Chao(Ordo out of Chaos), and Lux e tenebris;(Light out of darkness.) in Capitular Masonry, Holiness to the Lord; in Templar Masonry, In hoc signo vinces(with this as your standard you shall have victory) ; in Scottish Masonry, Ne plus ultra(1. the highest point capable of being attained 2.the most profound degree of a quality or state) is the motto of the thirtieth degree, and Spes meo in deo est(My hope is in God) of the thirty-third has for its motto Deus meumque Jus.

The Mustard seed also known as sinapi in botany is a genus of the tetradynamia siliquosa class. It is an attenuant and resolvant in a very high degree; it warms the stomach, and excites an appetite; but its principal medicinal use is external in sinapisms, applications made to certain parts when irritation is intended, but not blistering. It is usually made with horse-radish root, and other ingredients of the same kind, for this purpose.

Moravia is a marquisate, or province in Bohemia, bounded by Silesia on the north-east, by Hungary and Austria on the south, and by Bohemia on the north-west. The Moravian pro~test~ant sect have been settled for a considerable time past at Hernhuth in Germany, and have spread themselves over most of the American colonies in the 1700's as well as parts of England where they were permitted to settle by a act a parliament. They have a kind of church government peculiar to themselves, and are commonly known by the name of Unitas Fratrum, or The Brethren. They profess the utmost veneration for The Saviour, whom they consider as their immediate Head and Director; enjoin the most implicit obedience to the rulers of their church ; and are said to practice much brotherly love amongst one another. Der Orden vom Senfkorn or The Order of the Mustard Seed, this association whose members also called themselves "The Fraternity of MORAvian Brothers of the Order of Religious Freemasons," it was instituted in the year 1739. Its mysteries were founded on that passage in the fourth chapter of St. Marks Gospel in which Christ compares the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed.

"And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth: But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it." – Mark 4:30–2

The parable compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a mustard seed, which the parable says is the least among seed, yet grows to become a huge mustard plant that provides shelter for many birds. (BirdMen) The brethren of this order wore a ring on which was inscribed Keiner von uns lebt ihm selber, i.e., "No one of us lives for himself."The jewel of the Order was a cross of gold surmounted by a mustard plant in full bloom, with the motto, Quod fuit ante nikhil, i.e., "What was before nothing." The professed object of this association was, through the instrumentality of Freemasonry, to extend the kingdom of Christ over the world.