9 26 12foodstamp Glen Letter
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
The Honorable Bill Owens September 20, 2012
United States House of Representatives
State of New York
431 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-3223
Dear Representative Owens;
I have sent you a copy of my request for a fair hearing from the State
of New York Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance and am
awaiting their response. In the meantime it is being suggested to me
from many individual callers, including Ms. Jean Hantz of One Stop
Career Center of Canton, NY (see letter from NYS DSS Commissioner Chris
Rediehs dated 8-11-12 sent to your office) who stated to me that the
abilities of One Stop Career Center to assist me in obtaining a job were
“beyond her/their capabilities” and that “legal recourse” appeared to
be the only option left for me in this situation.
the above in mind taking into consideration that my sole means of
subsistence from now on appears to be food stamps unless a reversal is
made in a fair hearing, I will not have funds to pay my rent in October
or my car payments as well as other bills.
can you please suggest to me the name of a lawyer who would agree to
begin a class action suit against the State of New York
“pro bono”? I have contacted a law firm on my own in New York City, and
they told me they were not interested due to the existing pro bono work
in which they are already now committed. For assistance in this matter
as my top intermediary with issues dealing with the state from the level
of the federal government, your office has been the only avenue that I
have had to successfully engender a response from third parties.
Jennifer Ann Kealey
PO Box 1152
Ogdensburg, New York 13669
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Rendered July 24, 2012
Request for “Fair” hearing
Relief from Ogdensburg Spawning Mediocrity
NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance September 18, 2012
40 North Pearl Street
Albany, New York 12243 RE: NOTICE # U4077P2842
To Authorities It May Concern:
letter is to serve notice that I disagree with the decision of the St.
Lawrence County of Social Services as representative for the State of
New York verbally and in writing informing me that I am not eligible for
temporary financial aid.
As a result of an ongoing investigation by the investigators of Canadian Institute for Political Integrity (CIPI),
assisted at times by myself, it is alleged that criminal activity by
employees of the State of New York and others too numerous to mention
involving fabrication and distribution of human babies is the root cause
of my current problem.
have been unable to obtain any type of RN position in two years in New
York state because I am being locked out of all job situations, and on
the other end, the state of New York, being responsible for my current
situation is, through the Department of Social Services refusing to
qualify me for financial aid that I must rely upon to survive as a
result of the NYS Health Department’s refusal to employ me in a
profession even they say that I excel at (see 90% and 100% scores on NYS
civil service exams).
From August 2010 until May 12, 2012 I had to rely on unemployment benefits from the state of California at which time it was abruptly ended due to California
no longer qualifying for FED-ED extensions. Since then, I have
subsisted on small loans and what my husband and a few others could
financially donate to me. I was approved for food stamps only. My
situation grows increasingly dire with each passing day. I am unable to
pay my rent in October, along with other bills. I maintain I am being
denied financial aid by the State of New York as “Part II” to being
denied a job in the state of New York – “Part I” to complete the goal of
maintaining control over my living situation and to prevent me from
having independence to travel in my car to Canada.
the report by DSS, the basis for the decision rendered against me
receiving financial aid is based upon the assessment by Danielle Wright,
Social Welfare Examiner, and her supervisor, that my 2008 Honda Civic,
which I am not the owner of until it is paid for is a resource worth
$12,572.00 and $849.00 in a checking account, which at this time is down
to under $10.00. Per their assessment, my total resources are
$3,721.00. I still have to make payments on this car; Honda Financial
Corp. will repossess this car if I do not. When I brought this up to
DSS, I was told to sell my car. I ask this office; why should I be
forced to now sell my only reliable source of transportation as yet
another condition designed to force me to be restricted from traveling
to visit my husband by the state of New York because I have discovered
the illegal activities (dirty little secrets) in which the state of New
York is not only fully knowledgeable, but has in every way been actively
involved in for hundreds of years and which the state has benefitted
from financially?
maintain that this decision has been issued against me as part of a
conspiracy to keep me from having any ability to 1) be financially
independent, and 2) to be able to cross the border to go into Canada and
see my husband and most importantly, to enable parties within CIC
Immigration, Public Safety Canada, and the Canadian Border Services
Agency to continue to place restrictions upon me at the border and
inhibit and prevent my ability to travel into Canada to live with my
husband, and to prevent me from qualifying for the citizenship process.
I have been a resident of Ogdensburg, New York
since July 2010. I moved here after resigning my position as a director
of nursing in a 5 star rated Alzheimer’s LTC in order to begin the
process of sponsorship with my Canadian husband. He had instructed me to
cross the border at Emerson (above North Dakota), but when I arrived, I was served an illegal and doctored exclusion order which stated I could not enter Canada for one year. At the time, neither I nor my husband, Glen Kealey, the founder and chairman of the Canadian Institute for Political Integrity
understood why this had happened. As we later discovered and which was
being followed up on by CIPI investigators is that the current minister
of Public Safety, Vic Toews, was responsible for denying me entry in an
attempt to protect the knowledge he carried of his past and numerous
(his own past dirty little secrets) sexual assaults and rapes of me as
an unwilling victim when he visited southern California in years past to
attend pre-Ice Age Ecclesiastic Cannibalistic Voodoo rituals and of
which he feared I would make public knowledge. Two years ago, I did not
know his name or that he was the Canadian Public Safety Minister. When I
saw him on television last year in January 2011, I recognized him and
immediately connected him with the crimes he had perpetrated upon me in
the past. During this time period, my husband and I had filed for
sponsorship with CIC Immigration and I had submitted the fee of $550.00
in October 2010. Over the next year and a half, the paperwork we had
submitted was returned four times with a denial that there was a file
established even though CIC received payment of $550.00 on October 1,
2010. Vic Toews refused to rescind the exclusion order. After one year
passed, on July 22, 2011 I again attempted to cross the border at
Ogdensburg to Prescott. I was again refused entrance on the basis I was unemployed and had no funds.
the period of August 2010 to May 12, 2012 I continued on California
state unemployment and continued to file employment applications not
just in Ogdensburg, but to facilities in St. Lawrence County, and even
further out of my driving range. All the while I continued to observe
that the four nursing facilities in Ogdensburg; United Helpers now known as Mosaic, St. Joseph’s Home, St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, and Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center
continued to advertise nursing positions for which I was qualified, and
had applied for many times and continued to apply for. I was
interviewed ultimately by all four facilities and summarily lied to by
the CEO of St. Joseph’s Home (who came there from United Helpers/Mosaic
as their director of nursing from the Riverledge facility), as
well as by Human Resources of United Helpers/Mosaic. I wrote more than
one letter to the New York State Mental Health Board in regard to the
activities of Human Resources at St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center; either
the NYS Mental Health Board has been kept out of the loop or they are
participants in the loop. The nurse manager of the psychiatric unit at Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center
informed me that the hospital required that all nurses take a
medication test, however the study guide contained questions about
mathematical formulas that pharmacists and perhaps ICU/CCU nurses use on
a daily basis. On a psychiatric unit knowledge of these formulae are
not required or used; patients requiring that level of care are never
kept on a psychiatric unit. When I asked this nurse manager about the
need to know these, she informed me that all nurses were subject to
transfer off their regular floor and assignment as the need arose, which
I questioned in a letter to the Claxton-Hepburn board of directors, and
which was never answered by them. As far as I am concerned, if, in
fact, this really is the policy of the hospital, it is a patient safety
issue to require that a nurse be forced to work outside of the area in
which her familiarity, training, and expertise lies.
on the board of St. Joseph’s Home and working in the emergency room at
Claxton-Hepburn Hospital is the Facilitator of the Gray nuns, a Sister
Joan McElwain, with whom I had an appointment in September 2010, and at
the suggestion of my husband (whose aunt, Sister Mary Gertrude at St. Patrick’s Home
formerly on Laurier Avenue and Kent Street in Ottawa had been in an
administrative position), explained my circumstances of being out of
work and alone, and asked for assistance. This is a woman who, as an RN
has a Masters degree and then attended courses at a medical school to
become a Physician Assistant, giving her the same practice level/
privileges as an MD. During the course of explaining to her that I had
been the victim of pre-Ice Age Ecclesiastic Voodoo cult activities and
that I had on numerous occasions been drugged, kidnapped, and
impregnated for their purposes, replied to me, “I think that you have a
drug problem…The only woman who was ever made pregnant by means other
than intercourse was the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit; that has never
happened to any other woman…”
of course was not making this claim; I was talking about the medical
procedure of artificial insemination while drugged via I.V., a concept
of which the very educated Sister Joan is either unaware of, or she was
in fact saying something else as the insider that she in reality is; the
Grey nuns being genetic engineers and themselves performing artificial
inseminations. Since the influence of the Grey nuns permeates Ogdensburg
is it any wonder that I was never a consideration for employment at any
of the facilities in Ogdensburg?
As well, I continued to reapply to other facilities in upstate New York,
never receiving a response. In September 2011, I filled out a civil
service exam for NYS Health Care Surveyor 2. I received a letter from
the Albany office in April 2012 stating that
I had been “approved” along with a more detailed “test” which was to be
filled out and returned by May 18, 2012, which I did. In July I
received a canvass letter stating I had scored 100% on this exam and
inviting me to further apply at regional offices, which at that point
began to send letters to me. I had three interviews in early August at Buffalo, Syracuse, and Troy. All three interviews as observed by me were designed not
to assess my abilities as a nurse in the long term care field and how
my attitude and abilities could contribute to this position, and why I
would be interested in working as a surveyor. These interviews were
given by persons not interested in what I had to say, and therefore no pertinent questions were asked of me and in the case of Syracuse,
no interviewer asked me any questions at all; thus they could score me
at a lower level than other people they wanted to hire. All interviews
at all three locations appeared to me, (with a background of
interviewing potential employees) to be simply following instructions
from a higher level.
therefore appears to me, that when I was directed to Ogdensburg in 2010
neither my husband nor I suspected that I would land in the middle of a
state government sponsored fabrication, import-export business of
genetically engineered foundlings that supplied the needs of parents all
across the northern United States and Canada.
I also discovered that to be in search of excellence in institutions
apparently designed for mediocrity was a waste of time. And here I am,
two and a half years later, stunned by the process and flat broke.
Details are available upon request.
this time, I am requesting a “fair” and unbiased public hearing for the
decision not to render “Public Assistance” to me. Also immediate
assistance in meeting my financial obligations for the month of October
(rent, telephone, car expenses etc.) added to my current food stamps
would be appreciated.
Jennifer Ann Kealey
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
NYS Department of Health September 11, 2012
Bureau of Personnel Management
Room 2217 – Corning Tower, ESP
Albany, NY 12237
Attn: Ken Powis
Dear Mr. Powis;
I was interviewed in Buffalo, NY
for the position of full time Health Care Surveyor 2 (grade 19)
position for Nursing homes and ICF Surveillance Program by 3 female
interviewers on Thursday, August 2, 2012 at 11 AM. At this interview I
was only told that the position of Health Care Surveyor 2 for LTC and
Acute Care were 2 different positions and 2 different departments by the
women interviewing me.
The first time I heard back from this region was Thursday, August 30th
from Administrative Assistant Judy Ranic, who called me to ask if I
wanted to stay on the list being considered for Hospital Surveyor as
well as Long Term Care Surveyor because I was “holding up the entire
interview process, and they could not move on” because I did not
interview for Acute Care surveyor. I said I did not know that I was
“supposed to” interview for this as it appeared to me to be a different
position and I was interested in LTC Surveyor, because this was the
background in nursing from which I came. Ms. Ranic stated she would
place me on the “TI list” when I told her that I had interviewed for LTC
because an acute care surveyor was a different interview in a different
department and that I had no recent background in this area of nursing.
Per Ms. Ranic, I would be placed back on the “active list”
automatically “in 2 weeks”.
I asked Ms. Ranic to explain what the “TI list” was, she seemed nervous
at my question and insisted I speak with Toby Mansfield, who, after I
explained my background, stated, “If you are going to decline then…” I
stated I was not declining the position of Health Care Surveyor 2 and
that if I understood things correctly, I would be put on the “TI list”
for a 2 week period which removed me from the list of potential
candidates being interviewed for the survey team for acute care
facilities, and I would be placed back on the “active” list after a 2
week period, during which time interviews were to be conducted for acute
care surveyor candidates.
Toby Mansfield
then asked me if I needed to speak with Ms. Ranic again; I declined,
stating I thought we both understood one another. However, upon
reflection I again called back after a few moments, and left a message
for her that I would go on the “TI list” temporarily as was explained to
me by her.
Friday afternoon on September 7, there was a message for me to call
Toby Mansfield. I returned the call yesterday morning, September 10,
2012. Mr. Mansfield stated to me that per the conversation he had with
Ms. Ranic on or about August 30, 2012, that I was declining all Health
Care 2 Surveyor positions and he was verifying that I was no longer
interested in the position of Health Care Surveyor 2. I stated that I
was still interested, but that no one had clarified for me why I must be
put on a temporarily unavailable list so that these other people may be
interviewed, and why has no one explained to me that apparently Heath
Care Surveyor 2 must interview for BOTH acute care facilities as well as
Long Term Care facilities, as I currently understand this via my
conversation with Mr. Mansfield. Mr. Mansfield said at one point that
one may interview for one position or the other or both. I asked him to
please clarify this for me, stating that this explanation is confusing
because he could not give me straight answers to my questions about the
Buffalo region’s purpose for my interview in regard to Health Care
Surveyor 2, as these follow-up phone calls have alerted me that there is
some agenda that is not at present clear to me. When
I told him I was unaware that in order to be considered for Health Care
Surveyor 2, apparently it is contingent upon being interviewed as well
for Acute Care Surveyor all he could state to me was that “Our system is
complicated; yes you can interview for one position, but it’s hard to
again told him I did not see this stated in any paperwork I had filled
out for this position, nor did I see this stated on the New York State
DHS website, to which his reply was, “I suppose it is buried in there
Mansfield went on to inform me that the purpose of his call was to
inform me that since I was stating to him I was not declining interest
in the position of Health Care 2 Surveyor that I had been originally
been placed on the “TI list until October 4, 2012 (I was never given a
date, only told “2 weeks” on August 30, 2012), which had now been moved
back to “around the middle of October” per Mr. Mansfield.
questions to you at this time are: Why did Toby Mansfield state to me
that the reason for his call was to inform me that the date for me being
placed on this “TI list” was moved back to mid-October, when the first
thing he said to me yesterday, September 10, 2012 was that he understood
I was declining all Health Care Surveyor 2 positions per his
conversation with Judy Ranic?
I only interviewed for Health Care Surveyor 2 for LTCs, and my
understanding was that the surveyors who survey LTCs are not the same
team who survey acute care facilities, have I been eliminated as a
potential hiring prospect for Health Care Surveyor 2?
wasn’t this possibility explained to me during the interview if this is
so? I was asked if I was to be interviewed for acute care facilities,
and I replied no; nothing more was said to me.
these interviewers aware of information that I had not been made aware
of, and which disqualifies me from prospective employment?
didn’t the interviewers ask me anything about my background as supplied
in my application/resume? It appeared to me that no one had read any of
the background information supplied well ahead of the specified date of
this interview and at the request of the State of New York DHS Buffalo Region.
a former director of nurses at an LTC, I also interviewed people for
nursing positions and understood the importance of clear and concise
explanations of the hiring process, as well as the fact that
interviewees were assessing me and my facility as potential employers.
sense is that steps have been and are being undertaken to circumvent
any consideration toward hiring me, and I wonder what the reasons could
Powis, I am asking for your assistance in this apparent “double-speak”
that I am receiving from the director of personnel in the Buffalo DHS
that neither I nor my counsel seem to be able to decipher.
Jennifer Ann Kealey
Cc: Nirav R. Shah, M.D., M.P.H.
Sue Kelly
Executive Deputy Commissioner
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Ogdensburg Parkway Super Store will absorb Potsdam auto dealership
St. Lawrence County-based Parkway conglomerate of automotive and
recreational vehicle dealerships and convenience stores will move its
Ford dealership from Potsdam to Ogdensburg this fall.
Ford Inc., 157 Market St., Potsdam, will relocate to Parkway Super
Store, 9890 Route 37, Ogdensburg, in about two months, said Parkway
co-owner Wade C. Wood.
Mr. Wood said Thursday that the relocation is by orders from Ford Motor Co. More space is needed for sales and service and the Potsdam facility, which Parkway leases, doesn’t have it.
“There’s just no room for expansion over there,” he said.
Super Store, which sells Polaris-brand recreational vehicles and
accessories as well as trailers and campers, has room to spare. There is
a 15,000-square-foot building that houses offices, a showroom and a
service area with accommodations for between seven and 10 vehicle repair
An adjacent building has room for six bays.
“Obviously, we’ll be better able to serve our customers,” Mr. Wood said.
parking lot will have enough room for trailers and campers, as well as
the Ford fleet of cars, trucks and sport utility vehicles.
“There’ll probably be 40 new cars and 40 used cars to start with,” Mr. Wood said.
The relocation won’t cost the Potsdam
dealership any jobs. Mr. Wood said its 12 employees will work in
Ogdensburg alongside the nine employees there. Additional hiring is
other businesses are: Parkway Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep, Russell Road,
Canton; Parkway Country Store, River Road, Lisbon; Parkway Express
convenience store/gas stations on Route 37 in Morristown and Route 56 in
Norfolk; and another Parkway Express convenience store/gas station in
Ogdensburg at Route 37 and Outer Champlain Street.
anyone knows more about the coming flood called "The LOO at The SOO"
than does the Ford Foundation I would like to know who that would be.
Only the insurance industry (aka "god") knows more about the theory of
probabilities than does Ford. After all, Ford is the narrowing (fjord)
at Detroit, Michigan, where the flow should back up to Lake St. Clair
and cross overland on the Bruce Peninsula to re-enter Lake Erie near
Buffalo before going on to Niagara Falls, Lake Ontario, Fort Drum,
Watertown, and Canton, before reaching Potsdam.
The Nordan Sculptors
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By Jennifer Ann Kealey Fri., Aug. 31 at 5:26 am
anyone knows more about the coming flood called "The LOO at The SOO"
than does the Ford Foundation I would like to know who that would be.
Only the insurance industry (aka "god") knows more about the theory of
probabilities than does Ford. After all, Ford is the narrowing (fjord)
at Detroit, Michigan, where the flow should back up to Lake St. Clair
and cross overland on the Bruce Peninsula to re-enter Lake Erie near
Buffalo before going on to Niagara Falls, Lake Ontario, Fort Drum,
Watertown, and Canton, before reaching Potsdam.
The Nordan Sculptors
The Nordan Sculptors
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 comment posted. (Refresh)
By Jennifer Ann Kealey Fri., Aug. 31 at 5:38 am
anyone knows more about the coming flood called "The LOO at The SOO"
than does the Ford Foundation I would like to know who that would be.
Only the insurance industry (aka "god") knows more about the theory of
probabilities than does Ford. After all, Ford is the narrowing (fjord)
at Detroit, Michigan, where the flow should back up to Lake St. Clair
and cross overland on the Bruce Peninsula to re-enter Lake Erie near
Buffalo before going on to Niagara Falls, Lake Ontario, Fort Drum,
Watertown, and Canton, before reaching Potsdam.
The Nordan Sculptors
The Nordan Sculptors
POSTED IN the Ogdensburg Journal and Watertown Daily Times 8-31-2012
anyone knows more about the coming flood called "The LOO at The SOO"
than does the Ford Foundation I would like to know who that would be.
Only the insurance industry (aka "god") knows more about the theory of
probabilities than does Ford. After all, Ford is the narrowing (fjord)
at Detroit, Michigan, where the flow should back up to Lake St. Clair
and cross overland
on the Bruce Peninsula to re-enter Lake Erie near Buffalo before going
on to Niagara Falls, Lake Ontario, Fort Drum, Watertown, and Canton,
before reaching Potsdam.
The Nordan Sculptors |
Daily Courier-Observer: Serving the communities of Massena and Potsdam, New York
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1 comment posted. (Refresh)
By Jennifer Ann Kealey Fri., Aug. 31 at 6:58 pm
anyone knows more about the coming flood called "The LOO at The SOO"
than does the Ford Foundation I would like to know who that would be.
Only the insurance industry (aka "god") knows more about the theory of
probabilities than does Ford. After all, Ford is the narrowing (fjord)
at Detroit, Michigan, where the flow should back up to Lake St. Clair
and cross overland on the Bruce Peninsula to re-enter Lake Erie near
Buffalo before going on to Niagara Falls, Lake Ontario, Fort Drum,
Watertown, and Canton, before reaching Potsdam.The Nordan Sculptors
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