A worldwide police, media and court protected fraud against lone senior citizens which is being perpetrated by bureaucrats in all countries of the world, mostly for the benefit of United Nations (U.N.) bureaucrats, is now being investigated by “The Cell”.
As a result, a vast system of “Island Prisons” is planned for Antarctica.
Bureaucrats, of government or corporations and agencies who participate will suffer the consequences.
The Cell
Cell Investigations Unlimited
ADDENDUM : currently the CELL INVESTIGATIONS UNLIMITED are posting stakeouts at the following :
Bell Canada
Ontario Hydro/ Hydro One
Inside Postal Workers
Canadian Border Security Agency
Canada Revenue Agency
Western Union
United Appeal - Simcoe
H&R Block
Immigration Refugee Board of Canada
Ontario Legal Aid
Justice Canada
City of Brockville Court and Police
McCain Family Trust
United Parcel Service/ UPS
Please note that other likely suspects will be added later as the 27 team investigation moves forward in their own stakeouts....
More to follow....
The crimes and misprision of crimes listed below, but not limited to those listed are among those where guilt would earn a sentence in Antarctica for an extended period of time.
High Treason
Misprision of High Treason
Treason against Canada
Misprision of Treason Against Canada
Misprision of Genocide
Misprision of Fraud
Money Laundering
Misprision of Money Laundering
Dereliction of Duty Causing Death
The Purchase or Sale of Political Favor
The Purchase or Sale of Political Favor
Aiding and Abetting Any of The Above
More to Follow.........