Thursday, December 30, 2010

Earthquakes in Indiana

GREENTOWN, Ind. (CBS) – An exceedingly rare earthquake struck central Indiana Thursday morning, and some Chicagoans felt tremors.

The 3.8-magnitude earthquake was centered about 15 miles east-southeast of Kokomo, Ind. and about 50 miles north-northeast of Indianapolis, and was felt around 6:55 a.m. Chicago time.

The epicenter was five miles southeast of the rural town of Greentown in Howard County, Ind.

John Steinmetz of the Indiana Geological Survey said there have only been two earthquakes of equal or greater magnitude in central Indiana in the past 175 years.

Continued Here

Thanks to Nodoz

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Alan Watts

Assembled, Inserted and Brought to Term

The body of Yannick Brea is removed from the scene of the crime.
Nicastro for News
The body of Yannick Brea is removed from the scene of the crime.
Michael Brea once appeared on the show "Ugly Betty."
Michael Brea once appeared on the show "Ugly Betty."

Neighbors of a Brooklyn woman savagely slashed to death by her deranged, sword-wielding son claim cops refused to enter her apartment early Tuesday despite their pleas.

When cops finally got inside the Prospect Heights home, they found Yannick Brea kneeling with fatal lacerations to her head in a blood-spattered bathroom.

The son, holding the three-foot sword and babbling about religion and repentance, was arrested in a nearby bedroom, police said.

"I could hear her groaning inside ... She was still alive, but they wouldn't go in," said Clinton Clare, 52, who lived in the apartment below the Brea family.

Clare estimated police waited an hour before bursting into the apartment, where neighbors heard Michael Brea, 31, delivering a terrifying rant at his doomed mother.

"I heard a 'Help me!' shriek," said Vernal Bent, 18, who lived in the apartment above. "Police kept knocking on the door. Knocking and knocking ... All of us kept saying, 'Open the door.'"

Neighbors said the first screams came from the apartment shortly after 1 a.m., with one man saying he made a 911 call and told where he told a police dispatcher there was blood smeared on an apartment window.

The man said police initially came to the scene and then left - prompting a second 911 call.

This time, the neighbor said, he wanted outside for cops and led them to the crime scene.
Gregory Clare, 25, whose father owns the building, said his dad gave the OK for four cops to break down the door.

"They just kept saying protocol this and protocol that," he said. "Now a woman's dead who should be alive if only the police would have listened."

NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly questioned neighbor accounts of the delay, saying he believed officers handled the situation properly.

"It's a barricaded situation and that is handled by the Emergency Services Unit. What happens in a barricade situation is that responding patrol officers, if possible, wait for the Emergency Services forces to arrive," Kelly said.

Brea - an aspiring actor who once played a bit part on "Ugly Betty" - angrily screamed at his mother to "repent" before delivering the death blows.

He apparently removed the murder weapon from a Masonic lodge after a meeting Monday night and then used it later on his mother, said the suspect's uncle.

Brea was a low-level Mason who was not cleared to take one of the ceremonial swords - typically stainless steel blades with a short, black grip.

"Something happened that made him do it," said Martial Brea. "The devil entered him."

Neighbors described a hellish sound coming from the Brea apartment in the middle of the night.

"I heard this wild screaming," said Gregory Clare, who lived in the Prospect Heights building.

"Michael was yelling, 'Repent, repent, sinner, sinner,' over and over again," Clare said. "He was screaming, 'You never accepted Jesus.' It was real loud."

Yannick Brea, 55, howled for help that didn't arrive in time to save her. Neighbors said she was a 9/11 survivor who had worked at the Marriott hotel in the World Trade Center.

"Her screams woke me up," said another neighbor in the four-story building. "Screams I'll never forget. ... I heard [Michael] rambling. He was incoherent."

Michael Brea was spouting gibberish when he was removed from the Park Place apartment on a stretcher, neighbors said.

He was taken to Kings County Hospital for a psychiatric exam after his arrest. Neighbors said spattered blood was visible on the apartment windows.

The accused killer's cousin was stunned by the news of Yannick's death.

"She was a very loving person," said John Brea, 34, as he stood outside the apartment building. "She helped to raise all of us."

John Brea said his aunt was a hard-working woman employed by a local hotel.

Neighbors and an ex-girlfriend described Michael Brea as a martial arts student who showed no signs of any mental illness and no violent tendencies.

"Michael had the whole world in his hands," said an ex-girlfriend. "This is a shock."

Neighbor Clare agreed.

"I saw Michael last Saturday," he said. "He was asking about my daughter. He was always real kind."

Ny Daily News

We use the word ?bread? in modern English to mean a ?loaf?. But in Old English times if you wanted bread you would have used the word ?hlaf?, which is where loaf comes from. Hlaf was replaced by 1200 with bread. Bread probably in Old E...nglish times meant simply ?(a piece of) food, ? ?a morsel of?, ?crumb?. In Slovenian kruh means, ?bread,? Literally ?a piece?, from P.Gmc. ?brautham? (Old Norse brot, Danish brod, German brot), perhaps the O.E. word derives from a P.Gmc. ?braudsmon?- ?fragments, bits? (Old High German brosma ?crumb?) and is related to the root of break.

But since bread was among the commonest foods, the word bread gradually became more specialized, passing via ?piece of bread,? ?broken bread,? to simply ?bread,? The alternative spelling of brede could point to a different meaning. Various spellings occur brede, braede, braedu, braedo in Old English meant breadth or broadness, the suffix ?th (as in length. (Long/length, wide/width, broad/breadth) being added to the noun brede in the 16th century. This was an ancient formation, directly derived in prehistoric Germanic times from *braid-, the stem of broad. It came into English as broedu. Broad?s close relatives are widespread in the Germanic languages (German breit, Dutch breed, and Swedish bred), pointing to a prehistoric Germanic ancestor *braithaz, but no trace of the word is found in any non-Germanic Indo-European language. The original derived noun brede was superseded in the 16th century by breadth.

Brad-hlaf, es; m. [braedan to roast, hlaf bread] a biscuit, parched or baked bread;

Braede, bred, es; m. [=braegd, bregd from bregdan to weave, braid, twist). Fraud, deceit; He hit dyde butan brede (braede) and bigswice, he did it without fraud and guile, Ic spaece drife butan braede biswice, I prosecute my suit without fraud and without guile.

Braed, plucked, drew out, p. of bredan.

Braed, e; f braedo, braedu; (brad broad; Latus) breadth, width, latitude; latittudo, amplitudo; -se arc fiftig faedma on braede the ark shall be fifty fathoms in breadth;

Braede, es; m. (bredan to roast)

Braede, an; f. The breadth; latum. V. lenden-braede.

Braed-panne, an; f. [braedan to roast, panne a pan] a frying-pan;
Braedu, breadth, width.

Braegd, bregd, es; m. [braegd, p. of bregdan to twist, braid, weave] deceit, fraud.

Bred, es; pl.nom. acc. Bredu; n. a surface, plank, table, tablet;
Bred, deceit

Bred, broad

Breda, ic brede, du britst, brist, he brit, bret, p. braed, pl. brudon; pp. broden, breden. 1. To weave, braid, knit, join together, draw, pluck; 2. To change, vary, transform; - Simon braed his hiw aetforan dam casere swa daet he wearp faerlice gepuht cnapa, and eft harwenge Simon changed his appearance before the emperor, so that he suddenly seemed a boy, and again a hoary man,
Bredan, to roast, broil, warm Bredan, to make broad

Breden, Anglo-Saxon to make broad. To spread.

Bread, Akin to Old Friesian. Old Saxon brd. Danish Brood. German Brod, brot. Icelandic brau. Swedish and Danish Brod. The root is probably that of E. brew

Thanks Bee No Rio

Monday, December 27, 2010

I keep getting spammed by Frankish Corportions

Pfizer Incorporated (NYSE: PFE) (nice Fee)is a pharmaceutical company, ranking number one in sales in the world. The company is based in New York City, with its research headquarters in Groton, Connecticut. It produces Lipitor (atorvastatin, used to lower blood cholesterol); the neuropathic pain/fibromyalgia drug Lyrica (pregabalin); the oral antifungal medication Diflucan (fluconazole), the antibiotic Zithromax (azithromycin), Viagra (sildenafil) for erectile dysfunction, and the anti-inflammatory Celebrex (celecoxib) (also known as Celebra in some countries outside the USA and Canada, mainly in South America). Its headquarters are in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.

Pfizer's shares were made a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average on April 8, 2004.
Pfizer pleaded guilty in 2009 to the largest health care fraud in U.S. history and received the largest criminal penalty ever levied for illegal marketing of four of its drugs. Called a repeat offender, this was Pfizer's fourth such settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice in the previous ten years.On January 26, 2009, Pfizer agreed to buy pharmaceutical giant Wyeth for US$68 billion, a deal financed with cash, shares and loans. The deal was completed on October 15, 2009

Charles Pfizer (March 22, 1824 in Ludwigsburg as Karl Pfizer – October 19, 1906) was a German chemist who immigrated to the United States in the early 1840s and founded the Pfizer Inc. pharmaceutical company in 1849 as Charles Pfizer & Co. He remained at its head until 1900, when the company was incorporated and Charles Pfizer, Jr. became its first president. When Charles Jr. retired, his brother Emil succeeded him in his post.

He made frequent trips to Europe, and met his wife Anna Hausch, whom he married in 1859, in his hometown of Ludwigsburg. They had five children.

He died at his summer home, Lindgate, in Newport, Rhode Island; his year-round home was in Brooklyn. His death came a few weeks after a fall down stairs in which he broke an arm and was otherwise badly injured. Two daughters, Alice, Baroness Bachofen von Echt and Mrs. Frederick Duncan of Vienna, were with him when he died.

Fizer Coat of Arms / Fizer Family Crest

This Frankish, German, and Jewish surname of FIZER was occasionally selected because of its associations with the Hebrew given name of YONA or JONAH, because Jonah in the book of the Bible that bears his name, was swallowed up by 'a Great Fish' and blessed by his father Jacob, with the words 'Let them grow into a multitude'. It was also an occupational name for a catcher or seller of fish or a nickname for someone bearing some supposed resemblance to a fish. The name can also be spelt FISH, FICHBACH (fish-stream), FISCHLIN, FISHSON and FIZEAU(female bones). Surnames are divided into four categories, from occupations, nicknames, baptismal and locational. All the main types of these are found in German-speaking areas, and names derived from occupations and from nicknames are particularly common. A number of these are Jewish. Patronymic surnames are derived from vernacular Germanic given names, often honouring Christian saints. Regional and ethnic names are also common. The German preposition 'von (from) or 'of', used with habitation names, is taken as a mark of aristocracy, and usually denoted proprietorship of the village or estate from where they came. Some members of the nobility affected the form VON UND ZU with their titles. In eastern Germany there was a heavy influence both from and on neighbouring Slavonic languages. Many Prussian surnames are of Slavonic origin. A notable member of the name was Armand Hippolyte Louis FIZEAU (1819-96) the French physicist. In 1849 he was the first to measure the velocity of light by an experiment confined to the earth's surface. American surnames comprise of surnames found in every country throughout the world, many with differences in spelling not seen in the old country due to the inability of clerks and Government officials to record correctly the names given them by unschooled immigrants not familiar with the English, French, German, Portugese, Dutch or Spanish languages currently used in the Port of entry or the part of the country where they settled. When an immigrant arriving in America with little knowledge of English gave his name verbally to the officials, it was written down by them as they heard it, and being thereby 'official' it was often accepted by the immigrant himself as the correct American rendering of his name.

Language of E(l)

The Deans of Dollars Never Forget!

Gaja (a Sanskrit word for elephant) is one of the significant animals finding references in Hindu scriptures and Buddhist and Jain textsIn general, a gaja personifies a number of positive attributes including abundance, fertility and richness; boldness and strength; and wisdom and royalty.

The following elephants or elephant-like figures occur in mythology and religion.

* Ganesh, an elephant-headed Hindu deity
* Airavata, an elephant ridden by the Hindu god Indra.
* Erawan, the Thai version of Airavata.

By Stefan Anitei
In a top of intelligence, humans are followed by apes, elephants and dolphins. The elephant brain is denser than the human's, and the temporal lobes, associated to memory, are more developed than in humans.
Elephant's lobes also have more foldings, so that they can store more information. That's why elephants have excellent memory.

But why? Elephants can recognize over 200 different individuals. This is essential, as females depend on one another for raising the young, more than in the case of other mammals. A mother can remember who is trustful and complex bounds are the bricks of elephants' society, while the memory is the cement. When two elephants approach one another, they emit a "contact appeal": if the other recognizes the appeal, it responds and approaches; if not, it starts to agitate and adopts a defensive position. This capacity of recognition lasts a very long time, even after one individual is dead: even the recording of a dead animal attracted the attention of its relatives and descendants.

The group life allows the elephants to raise their young together. A female gives birth, in the best case, to one young every 4 years, and this one will be well cared.

In critical moments, the family stand on the experience of the oldest and wisest female in the group, called matriarch. She controls the daily activity of the herd and leads the family in areas outside the normal domain. Now, her remarkable memory is employed. She will remember where to go during drought periods and what to do in case of danger, as she already passed through these situations, and the older she is, the more effective she is. Her death is tragic for the group, and poachers usually target her, as she possesses the largest tusks in the herd of females.

But the good memory can have bad effects. A female may remember good feeding places now replaced by crops, and this how human-elephant conflict emerges. And in the end, the elephant always loses.

Males have a very different behavior. They leave the maternal group when adolescent, living a solitary life, wandering around in search of mates. Young males are disadvantaged by their smaller size; females will always reject them. Males can also fight for access to females. The fights are violent, even deadly, that's why a good memory can bring important information about the rivals, since the test fights of the elephant's "childhood". This way, the male knows a lot about the force of the other competitors. But the order can turn into chaos when a male enters a special heat period, called musth, when he turns extremely aggressive due to an overload of testosterone. If a female in heat is nearby, males in musth may fight to death.

Mating requires perfect synchronization. A male can wait 40 years to mate, so that he must know with precision when the female is fertile, meaning 2 days in 4 years! In the rest of the name she is pregnant or suckling a young.

People were amazed for long by the elephants' amazing communication ability. About three decades ago, it was discovered that they use infrasounds, sounds under 16 Hz, which humans cannot hear, to sends signals to other elephants up to 20 km (12.5 mi) away. Sounds we hear do not go far because they are shattered easily by obstacles, like trees or bushes. But infrasounds go around the obstacles, without being shattered, so that they propagate on longer distances.

When emitting infrasounds, elephants use to flutter their ears in a specific way. When they "chat", the fluttering is very slow, but when they greet, the fluttering is rapid. Of course, not all they emitted sounds are infrasounds; some can be heard by humans. Calls have various meanings, like "Let's go!" or :"I want more milk", and over 35 different calls were identified: grumbles, lows, snorings, groans or roars, each with a different signification. This communication is at least as sophisticated as that used by apes and cetaceans.

Word Play

Jötunheim - home of the giants in Norse mythology.

Jot[Greek. the letter "I" , Hebrew. yod] an iota; least quantity assignable. To set down; to make a memorandum of.

un - [french for one]

Heim- home
He I'm
heim - pl. heimen, home(hymn~high men~hymen)


by Charles Wright

Dove-twirl in the tall grass.
End-of-summer glaze next door
On the gloves and split ends of the conked magnolia tree.
Work sounds: truck back-up-beep, wood
tin-hammer, cicada, fire horn.
History handles our past like spoiled fruit.
Mid-morning, late-century light
calicoed under the peach trees.
Fingers us here. Fingers us here and here.
The poem is a code with no message:
The point of the mask is not the mask but
the face underneath,
Absolute, incommunicado,
unhoused and peregrine.
The gill net of history will pluck us soon enough
From the cold waters of self-contentment
we drift in
One by one
into its suffocating light and air.
Structure becomes an element of belief,
And grammar a catechist,
Their words what the beads say,
words thumbed to our discontent.

Analytical Paragraph of Chickamauga
by Dennis Gugger

The famous poem “Chickamauga” by Charles Wright describes the wisdom behind poetry; there is more to a poem than just the words. The author begins “Chickamauga” with a character that is on the countryside and enjoying the nature around him. Slowly Charles Wright explains what is hidden in the poems. He discusses about how the grammar and the structure are crucial in a well-written poem. A poem is very much like a mask, once you have figured out who the character underneath the mask is, you have figured out what the poem is about. Wright uses a metaphor comparing a mask and a poem, “The point of the mask is not the mask but/ the face underneath”. Wright uses many comparisons like the words as beads to get us to figure out the overall message of the poem. Wright creates very good imagery to help us see what poems are really about. The many metaphors that Charles Wright uses helps us see that a poem is often like many other objects. Charles Wright is changing many peoples’ view of poems with his great imagery and wide sense of vocabulary.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Steering the Ship Torwards its Obliteration

Navigate[ED, ING] [Latin. navigare, -gatum; navis, ship, and agere, to move.] To go in a vessel or ship; to sail. -v. t. 1. To pass over in ships. 2. To steer.

Vanir or Vans, gods, akin to the AEsir; their home was in the underworld(Vanaheim), but some of them lived in Asgard. Heimdall, a Van, guarded the northern end of Asgard.

Van [Abbrev french. van-guard] the front of an army, or the front line of a fleet. [Latin. vannus] A fan for cleansing grain. A large light, covered wagon.

Van-Guard[french. avant-garde, french avant, before and garde, guard] troops who march in front of an army.

Van-Dyke - an indented and scolloped cape for the neck and formerly worn by women.

vandal- 1. One of a barbarous horde that invaded Rome in the 5th century. 2. One who is ignorant and barbarous.

Vanilla [Latin french. vagina, because its seeds are in little pods.

Guard[french. guarder, warder from weardian~we rian~we rig an ward(we are deans) English. ward.

garter[jarretiere. see garote] 1. a band used to tie a stocking to the leg. 2 Highest order of knighthood in Great Britain . 1. to bind with a garter; to invest with the order of the garter

Garrote [Spanish, french. garra, claw, talon] a Spanish mode of execution by strangulation with an iron collar screwed tight. To strangle with the garrote; hence to seize by the throat from behind, as to strangle and robs.

vi[roman numeral for 6]

Vie is the french for for the word Life, in English; Life is the English for fire in masonic coding.

Vie - to strive for victory or superiority; contend, envy

Gate [anglo saxon, geat, gate, door, french. anglo saxon. getan, english. get] 1. a passage way in the wall of a city, a grand edifice etc; also the framework which closes the passage. 2. An avenue; a means of entrance.

Get [impression of Got, Gotten(go ten), obsolescent] [anglo saxon gettan, gitan] 1. to procure; to obtain; to acquire, by almost any means. 2. To possess(with have). 3. To beget; to procreate. 4. to prevail on; to induce. 5. to procure to be, or to occur. v. to come to be; to become.

Genesis ch19 v11 - Then they struck everyone in the crowd blind, and none of them could even find the door.

Greek philos, "a friend," and sophia, "wisdom") A complete and final definition of this word is impossible, as the objects of the science, its methods and even the possibility of its being or becoming a science, and still matters of debate between different schools. Philosophy has been called the "mother of the sciences," as it was only by slow degrees that the separate sciences came into life, each one of the being developed and formulated by men imbued with the philosophical spirit, which is the "love of wisdom." As the number of special sciences increased, philosophy no longer in a stricter sense "take all knowledge to be its province," but its claim to be the only science of the universe as a whole was not thereby given up, but rather emphasized. UN.IT.Y AND H.ARM.ON.Y IN ONE CONCEPTION OF THE UNIVERSE IS THE AIM WHICH PHILOSOPHY ALWAYS HAD IN VIEW.

So "theY" claim that the conception of a complete system of things satisfactory to the reason~sons of rea~arson~firestarter~prometheus~Neanderthalers and the MORAL[see System of Morality Veiled in Allegory and Illustrated by Symbols]sense must ever be the spring and inspiration of philosophical effort. The philosopher therefore always has his/her eye upon the whole and his/her function is to study the relation of all parts to the whole and to one another. No one thing can be fully understood except in the light of its relation to other things, and therefore the philosopher ever seeks to penetrate the reason and essence of the things and to know the why and the wherefore of all the phenomena of nature.

Thales of Miletus is generally reckoned the first Grecian philosopher, and the history of philosophy is generally said to commence at his time, about 600 B.C. it is usual to divide the history into three distinct periods:

(1) Ancient or Greek philosophy, from the time of Thales to about 500 A.D.

(2) Medieval philosophy, from 500 to 1600 A.D.

(3) Modern philosophy, from 1600 to the present date.

Ancient philosophy is again divided into three periods:

(1) The pre-Socratic philosophers- Pythagoras, Parmenides, Anaxagoras and others - who devoted their attention mainly to phenomena of external things.

(2) Socrates and the Sophists who turned man's attention upon himself.

(3) The idealistic systems of Plato and Aristotle.

The Stoics, Epicureans, Skeptics, and later the Neo-Platonists and other schools make up the history of philosophy until the downfall of the Roman empire and the death of Boethius. Medieval philosophy is mainly an effort to apply the logic Aristotle to the doctrines of the church and to harmonize his philosophy with Christian theology. Bacon and Descartes in the beginning of the 17th century may be considered the founders of modern philosophy.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Just Scratching the Surface

Researchers store 90GB of data in 1g of bacteria

Researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong have successfully shown how to store encrypted data in bacteria. A colony of E.coli was used for the experiment, with the equivalent of the United States Declaration of Independence stored in the DNA of eighteen bacterial cells. As 10 million cells are present in one gram of biological material, this would translate to a data storage capacity of 90GB.

Data can also be encrypted thanks to the natural process of site-specific genetic recombination. Information is scrambled by recombinase genes, the actions of which are controlled by a transcription factor.

The method has some flaws, however, as an expensive sequencer is needed to retrieve data, with the process described as tedious as well. What's more, toxic DNA usually found in stored sequences will mutate and remove the toxic sequences, taking some of the data with it.

Only copyright information can be stored in genetically engineered organisms thus far. Bacteria has the potential to be more resilient to keeping data storage than traditional, electronic means. Deinococcus radiodurans bacterium, for example, can withstand electromagnetic pulses and a radiation from a nuclear fallout. [via BluSci]

Thanks Lewka

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Can (Cain the Builder)

Inca or Ynca is a name given by the natives of Peru to their kings and princes of the blood. Pedro de Cieca, in his Chronicles of Peru, gives the origin of the Incas, and says that the country was, for a long time, the theater of all manner of crimes, of war, dissension and the most dreadful disorder, till at last the two brothers appeared. One of who was called Mangocapa; who the Peruvians relate many wonderful stories. He built the city of Cusco, made laws, established order and harmony by his wife's regulations, and he and his descendants took the name "Inca", which signifies king or great lord. These Incas became so powerful, that they rendered themselves masters of all the country from Pasto to Chili, and from the river Maule on the south, to the river Augasmago on the north, these two rivers forming the bounds of their empire, which extended above 1300 leagues in length. This they enjoyed till the divisions between Inca Guascar and Atabulipa; which Spaniards laying hold of, made themselves masters of the country, and destroyed the empire of the Incas.

Mango[Malay, mangga] one of the finest fruits of India. The tree grows from 40 to 50 ft high. The fruit is shaped somewhat like a kidney, is as big as a hen's egg or sometimes a gooses egg, and yellow or reddish, speckled with black. The kernel of the fruit stone is also eaten. Mangoes are eaten raw, made into jellies or preserves, and pickled. The fruit is now grown in Jamaica and other warm countries.

Malays are the race found in Eastern Archipelago, and the neighboring peninsula, which are named from the Malay Archipelago, and the Malay Peninsula. They belong to the Mongols, and are usually short, being not much over 5 ft in height, with yellow skin, straight black hair, almond shaped eyes and flat features, resembling very much the Chinese. But their language is entirely different from that of the Asiatic Mongols; belonging to the great Polynesian family, which extends across the Indian and Pacific oceans. Since the 13th century the Malays have been the traders of the Archipelago, and of late years have given up their roving habits, and are occupied with trade and agriculture. Their language is simple in structure and soft and harmonious. It is written in the Arabic character, though lately the Roman system has been adopted.

The surface of Peru is divided into three distinct tracts, the climate of which varies from torrid heat to arctic cold. These three separate regions are the Coast, the Sierra and the Montana. Peru was under the dominion of Spain(Basque) from the time of its conquest by Pizarro in the 16th century until the year 1821, when it was proclaimed an independent republic under the protectorate of General San(natsi) Martin(weasel), one of the liberators of Chile. San Martin retired on the arrival of General Simon Bolivar in 1823, and the next year occurred in the battle of Ayacucho, in which the Spanish viceroy was taken prisoner, and the Spanish dominion finally came to an end. Bolivar left Peru two years later, but it was not until 1844 that government was fully settles under the presidency of Ramon Castilla. In 1870 Peru, as the ally of Bolivia became involved in a war with Chile, the latter state coveting the nitrate deposits in the Peruvian province of Tarapaca. This war was very disastrous to Peru on both land and sea, the provinces of Tacna and Tarapaca being wrested from her, and in 1881 the Chilean army entered Lima the capital. Peace was concluded in October, 1883, and some months afterward the Chileans evacuated the country. Under the presidency of General Caceres and his successor Colonol Don Remijio Morales Bermudez, Peru has made slow but certain progress in repairing the wastes and losses that she suffered during the conflict.

In pre-Columbian times, the coca leaf was reserved for Inca royalty. The natives subsequently used it for mystical, religious, social, nutritional and medicinal purposes.

They exploited its stimulant properties to ward off fatigue and hunger, enhance endurance, and to promote a benign sense of well-being.

It was initially banned by the Spanish. But the invaders discovered that without the Inca "gift of the gods", the natives could barely work the fields, or mine gold. So it came to be cultivated by the Catholic Church.

Coca leaves were distributed three or four times a day to the workers during brief rest-breaks. Returning Spanish conquistadors introduced it to Europe. Coca was touted as "an elixir of life".

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Marooned Roma

The Sons of Martha by Rudyard Kipling

ARTHUR's TWO SWORDS ~ Ur's two words ~ Ben Hur ~ Marx and Mary

SON of MARTHA = MA.SON.HAT (as in Magi Gnome, the Top Hat)



Editor's introduction to The Sons of Martha by Rudyard Kipling

There is more than one kind of aristocracy.

Luke tells us the story: Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, were entertaining Jesus and his disciples. Martha rushed about the kitchen and household, seeing to the cooking, bringing wash basins, changing towels, and doing the other things needful when one's home has been unexpectedly invaded by a celebrity and his entourage.

'Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.

'And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus feet, and heard his word.

'But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me.

'And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou are careful and troubled about many things:

'But one thing is needful: Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.'

(Luke 10:38-42)

Much has happened since then; but Rudyard Kipling tells us, we sons of Martha have yet to pay the final reckoning.

SEE: THE RATEL (rats-star or badger)
Imperial Stars Vol. I: The Stars at War, Jerry Pournelle, ed. p. 227

The Sons of Martha
Rudy ard Kipling 1907

The sons of Mary seldom bother, for they have inherited
that good part;
But the Sons of Martha favour their Mother of the
careful soul and the troubled heart.
And because she lost her temper once, and because she
was rude to the Lord her Guest,
Her Sons must wait upon Mary's Sons, world without
end, reprieve, or rest.
It is their care in all the ages to take the buffet and
cushion the shock.
It is their care that the gear engages; it is their care that
the switches lock.
It is their care that the wheels run truly; it is their care
to embark and entrain,
Tally, transport, and deliver duly the Sons of Mary by
land and main.

They say to mountains, 'Be ye removed.' They say to
the lesser floods, 'Be dry.'
Under their rods are the rocks reproved-they are not
afraid of that which is high.
Then do the hill-tops shake to the summit-then is the
bed of the deep laid bare,
That the Sons of Mary may overcome it, pleasantly
sleeping and unaware.
They finger death at their gloves' end where they piece
and repiece the living wires.
He rears against the gates they tend: they feed him hungry
behind their fires.
Early at dawn, ere men see clear, they stumble into
his terrible stall,
And hale him forth a haltered steer, and goad and turn
him till evenfall.
To these from birth is Belief forbidden; from these till
death is Relief afar.
They are concerned w ith matters hidden - under the
earthline their altars are-
The secret fountains to follow up, waters withdrawn to
restore to the mouth,
And gather the floods as in a cup, and pour them again
at a city's drouth.

They do not preach that their God will rouse them a
little before the nuts work loose.
They do not teach that His Pity allows them to drop
their job when they dam'-well choose.
As in the thronged and the lighted ways, so in the dark
and the desert they stand,
Wary and watchful all their days that their brethren's
day may be long in the land.

Raise ye the stone or cleave the wood to make a path
more fair or flat -
Lo, it is black already with blood some Son of Martha
spilled for that!
Not as a ladder from earth to Heaven, not as a witness
to any creed,
But simple service simply given to his own kind in their
common need.

And the Sons of Mary smile and are blessed - they
know the Angels are on their side.
They know in them is the G.race confessed, and for
them are the Mercies multiplied.
They sit at the Feet - they hear the Word - they see
how truly the Promise runs.
They have cast their burden upon the Lord, and - the
Lord He lays it on Martha's Sons!


Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer, aka The Iron Ring Ceremony.

MARTHA (MARX) and MARY (HIGH FLYERS) are Freemasonry's ANTS and BEES.

Engineers set th e stage and clean up after Masonry's (Sons of Mary) 'SHOW'.

Imagine a four pointed star, a CROSS or


Now, imagine a DOUBLE CROSS, as in the flag of the United Kingdom. Soon we will know which side Scotland Yard's MI5 and MI6 are really on, when it comes to the war to liberate Iraq from the Ayatollahs WAR ON WOMEN.

The Sculptor

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Birdmen Pave the Way to the Ubermensch

Pave[latin. pavare, from Latin paVIre, to beat or trend down.] 1. To lay or cover with stone or brick like the Masons or the third piggy in the Brothers Grimm tale. 2. To Prepare the Way for.

Pavior n. - One who paves; a paver

voir- verb
  1. see
  2. view
  3. look
  4. watch
  5. sight
  6. behold
  7. vide
  8. imagine
  9. be able to see
  10. spy
  11. take notice
  12. conceive
Phonetic sound voix in french is VOICE

  1. noun
    1. voix
    2. ton
  2. verb
    1. exprimer
    2. parler
    3. sonoriser
    4. accorder

Vapor n. [latin] any substance in the gaseous or aeriform state. 2. any visible diffused substance floating in the atmosphere, as smoke or FOG~Grand Orient Freemasonry. 3. Something unsubstantial or fleeting. 4. (pl) Hypochondriacal, affections; dejection. - v.i. [ED; -ING.] 1. To pass off in fumes; to be exhaled. 2. To boast vainly; to brag.

Pavonine[Latin. pavoninus, pavo, peacock.] Resembling the tail of a peacock.

I.van Pav(l)ov (paving the path of love i.e. brainwashing)

Pavo in ornithology, is a genus belonging to the order of gallinae. The head is covered with feathers which bend backward, and the feathers of the tail are very long and beautifully variegated with eyes of different colors. There are three species, viz 1. The cristatus, or common peacock of English authors, has a compressed, and solitary spurs, and is a native of Ceylon. 2. The bicalcaratus, has a small crest, and double spurs, it is a native of China. 3. The muticus, has a sharp pointed crest, and no spurs, and the orbits of the eyes are red. It is found in Japan.

Pavo is a constellation in the southern sky. It is one of twelve constellations created by Petrus Plancius from the observations of Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman and it first appeared on a 35-cm diameter celestial globe published in 1597 (or 1598) in Amsterdam by Plancius with Jodocus Hondius. The first depiction of this constellation in a celestial atlas was in Johann Bayer's Uranometria of 1603.

USS Pavo (AK-139) was an Crater-class cargo ship commissioned by the U.S. Navy for service in World War II, named after the constellation Pavo. She was responsible for delivering troops, goods and equipment to locations in the war zone.

Peas----peac~oc.k, called by the Greeks and Romans the bird of Juno. The Romans gave a god to everything existing - man, the tree, the state, the storeroom etc. So Juno is the goddess of womanhood, and the various titles given her, are of the different parts of a woman's life, as Juno the goddess of "birth," of "marriage," etc. This idea of a personified woman became identified with the Greek goddess Hera, who became known to the Romans through the cities of Greece at an early time. In the way Juno came to be considered the jealous wife of Jupiter, as represented in Virgil, just as Hera is the spouse of Zeus in Homer.

In mythology, the peacock was the sacred bird of Hera, who drove through the air in a chariot drawn by peacocks. How the peacock came to have eyes on its tail is the subject of a Greek myth that began one day when Zeus turned his illicit love Io into a white cow to disguise her from his wife, Hera, who nearly caught them together. Hera was suspicious and put the heifer under the guardianship of Argus, who tethered the animal to an olive tree. Argus(sugar) was ideally suited to the task of watchman, since he had 100 eyes, of which only two were resting at a time while the others kept a look out. Wherever Argus stood, he could always keep several of his eyes on Io(10).[Argus<>sugar...sugar coat Sugar comes from the Latin(saccharum) Greek and Arabic(sukkar). Sucker]

Zeus sent his son Hermes to release Io from her captivity. Hermes swooped down to Earth and spent the day with Argus, telling him stories and playing his reed pipes until, one by one, the eyes of Argus became sleepy and began to close. When Argus was finally asleep, Hermes lopped off his head and released the heifer. Hera placed the eyes of Argus on the tail of the peacock.

Laramie Peacock of NBC

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pygmalion - George Bernard Shaw

Director John Tydeman introduces his production of George Bernard Shaw's classic starring Imelda Staunton and Simon Cadell.

Imelda Staunton and Simon Cadell star in George Bernard Shaw's classic play about the refinement of Eliza Doolittle.

Pygmalion both delighted and scandalized its first audiences in 1914. A reworking of the classical tale of the sculptor Pygmalion, who falls in love with his perfect female statue, it is also a barbed attack on the British class system and a statement of Shaw's feminist views. In Shaw's hands, the phoneticist Henry Higgins is the Pygmalion figure who believes he can transform Eliza Doolittle, a cockney flower girl, into a duchess at ease in polite society. The one thing he overlooks is that his 'creation' has a mind of her own.

Freemasonry is a System of Morality veiled in Allegory and Illustrated by Symbols


Friday, December 3, 2010

The Hedgehog and the Pig.eons

A hedgehog once took up his abode under a palm-tree, on which roosted a pair of wood-pigeons, that had made their nest there and lived an easy life, and he said to himself, 'These pigeons eat of the fruit of the palm-tree, and I have no means of getting at it; but needs must I go about with them.' So he dug a hole at the foot of the palm-tree, and took up his lodging there, he and his wife. Moreover, he made a piece of prayer besides the hole, in which he shut himself and made a show of piety and abstinence and renunciation of the world.

The male pigeon saw him praying and worshiping and inclined to him for his much devoutness and said to him, 'How long hast thou been thus?' 'Thirty years,' replied the hedgehog. 'What is thy food?' asked the bird and the other answered, 'What falls from the palm tree.' And what is thy clothing?' asked the pigeon. 'Prickles,' replied the hedgehog; 'I profit by their roughness.' 'And why,' continued the bird, 'hast thou chosen this place rather than another?' 'I chose it, answered the hedgehog, 'that I might guide the erring into the right way and teach the ignorant.' I has thought thee other-guise than this,' rejoined the pigeon; 'but now I feel a yearning for that which is with thee.'

Quoth the hedgehog, 'I fear lest they deed belie thy speech and thou be even as the husbandman, who neglected to sow in season, saying, "I fear lest the days bring me not to my desire, and so I shall only waste my substance by making haste to sow." When the time of harvest came and he saw the folk gathering in their crops, he repented him of what he had lost by his tardiness and died of chagrin and vexation.' 'What then shall I do,' asked the pigeon, 'that I may be free from the bonds of the world and give myself up altogether to the service of my Lord?' 'Betake thee to preparing for the next world,' answered the hedgehog, 'and content thyself with a pittance of food'

'How can I do this,' said the pigeon, 'I that a bird and may not go beyond the palm-tree whereon is my food? Nor, could I do so, do I know another place wherein I may abide.' Quoth the hedgehog, 'Thou canst shake down of the fruit of the palm what shall suffice thee and thy wife for a year's victual; then do ye take up your abode in a nest under the tree, that ye make seek to guided in the right way, and do ye turn to what ye have shaken down and store it up against the time of need; and the fruits are spent and the time is long upon you, address yourselves to abstinence from food.'

'May God requite thee with good,' exclaimed the pigeon, 'for the fair intent with which thou hast reminded me of the world to come and hast directed me into the right way!' Then he and his wife busied themselves in knocking down the dates, till noting was left on the palm-tree, whilst the hedgehog, finding whereof to eat, rejoined and filled his den with dates, storing them up for his subsistence and saying in himself, 'When the pigeon and his wife have need of their provant, they will seek it of me, trusting in my devoutness and abstinence; and from what they have heard of my pious counsels and admonitions, they will draw near unto me. Then will I seize them and eat them, after which I shall have the place and all that drops from the palm-tree, to suffice me.'

Presently the pigeon and his wife came down and finding that the hedgehog had carried off all dates, said to him, 'O pious and devout-spoken hedgehog of good counsel, we can find no sign of the dates and know not on what else we shall feed.' 'Belike,' replied the hedgehog, 'the winds have carried them away; but the turning from the provision to the Provider is of the essence of prosperity, and He who cuts the corners of the mouth will not leave it without victual.' And he gave not over preaching to them thus making a show of piety and cozening them with fine words, til they put faith in him and entered his den, without suspicion, whereupon he sprang to the door and gnashed his tusks, and the pigeon, seeing his perfidy manifested, said to him, 'What has tonight to do with yester-night? Knowest thou not that there is a Helper for the oppressed?

Persian Tales: 10101 Nights


(Jack Yellin / Ted Shapiro)
A Musical Monologue by Sophie Tucker

I've often heard it said and sung
That life is sweetest when you're young
And kids, sixteen to twenty-one
Think they're having all the fun
I disagree, I say it isn't so
And I'm one gal who ought to know
I started young and I'm still going strong
But I've learned as I've gone along.......

That life begins at forty
That's when love and living start to become a gentle art
A woman who's been careful finds that's when she's in her prime
And a good man when he's forty knows just how to take his time

Conservative or sporty, it's not until you're forty
That you learn the how and why and the what and when
In the twenties and the thirties you want your love in large amounts
But after you reach forty, it's the quality that counts

Yes, life begins at forty
And I've just begun to live all over again

You see the sweetest things in life grow sweeter as the years roll on
Like the music from a violin that has been well played upon
And the sweetest smoke is from a mellow, broken and old pipe
And the sweetest tasting peach is one that's mature, round and ripe

In the twenties and the thirties you're just an amateur
But after you reach forty, that's when you become a connoisseur
Then it isn't grab and get it and a straight line for the door
You're not hasty, you're tasty, you enjoy things so much more

For instance, a novice gulps his brandy down, he doesn't understand
Observe a connoisseur, the way he holds it in his hand
How he strokes the glass, fondles it, warms it as he should
Smaks his lips, aahhh, slowly sips, hah, boy, it tastes good

Life begins at forty
Then it isn't hit and run and you find much more fun
You romance a girl of twenty and it costs you all your dough
But when a forty thanks you, she hates to see you go

And girls of twenty, all they want are big men
Big men with strong physiques
I don't say that it's bad
But you do get tired of those damn Greeks

Life begins at forty
And I'm just living all over again

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

HEART<>EARTH~THE EAR is listening from down below

Hearth[heordh] 1. floor of a fire place. 2. a house of the abode of comfort and hospitality.

Heart[heorte, allied to Greek, Skr. hrid] The chief or vital portion. 2. Seat of the affections or sensibilities or of moral life and character. 3. Cou.rage; spirit. Courage, french from Latin. cor, heart.

The Oort

Horde n.[Hindu. urdu, army, camp, market.] a wandering troop or gang.

Ruddy[rud,reid, red] 1. Red. 2. Of a lively flesh color.

Ruddle[rud, red] A spacious of red earth; red ocher. DNA

Rudiment n.[Latin. rudimentum, French. rudis, unwrought; rude.] 1. Unfinished beginnings. 2. A first principle of any art or science. 3. An organ not fully formed.

It is quite easy on a polygraph to detect from the heart when a person tells a lie. In other words his/her heart doesn't accept the lie. His heart reveals the truth of the matter. The individual may receive knowledge through the brain, but truth only through the heart. The heart seems to be more aware of things visible behind itself than in front of itself. The heart contribution therefore is not intellectual, rational, or reasonable in the sense of mental activity. Its contribution is most clearly sense and expressed in the mysterious potential of reality that is lurking within our own nature.

The scriptures suggest that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." This thinking in the heart is Creation thinking man, not man thinking Creation. This is Creation manifesting through its works, and these works themselves are not capable of comprehending their own superior. So when the person enters into the heart he/she enters into the quietude of Lao Tze , he/she enters into that silence which came before sounding as Boehme called it and that sounding which must finally return again to sleep. Thus whatever this mysterious power that resides in the heart, maybe its primary requisite is quietude.

It would, and most abide in peace, and the principle experience we have of the heart is the capacity of peace, which comes to us, the capacity to have so great an interior sense of reality that intellection without argument, without debate, without affirmation or denial, the life being experiences the fact of the presence of reality. It is this experience of reality then, this experience of not only of an existence, an eternal and significant existence. This experience comes to us, we then take hold of it and intellectualize it, but the experience, the essential conviction comes first. And this conviction is not thought but known by an experience within the Self.

It is the invisible source of this sense of being, a sense of purposed existence, which all things feel within themselves. The lose of this feeling through any circumstance or affliction can result in what is termed the "Broken Heart". This consciousness in people contributes no ideas, no news, nothing of a tangible intellectual nature, it merely contributes this sense that we exist. Not voice, not rationalized, but assumed so near to us that we don't question it or analyze it, but turn from it to doubt, question, and analyze all other things. It perhaps experienced somewhat in this concept that man is incapable of the experience of death. He/she is unable to know what death means because he/she is alive, and it is a series of certainties based upon the fact that we are alive. The inner part of the person may say "I know", the outer part may say "I choose to believe", then the mind comes along and says "well its my opinion."

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Three Wonderful Beggars

There once lived a merchant whose name was Mark, and whom people called 'Mark the Rich.' He was a very hard-hearted man, for he could not bear poor people, and if he caught sight of a beggar anywhere near his house, he would order the servants to drive him away, or would set the dogs at him.

One day three very poor old men came begging to the door, and just as he was going to let the fierce dogs loose on them, his little daughter, Anastasia, crept close up to him and said:

'Dear daddy, let the poor old men sleep here to-night, do--to please me.'

Her father could not bear to refuse her, and the three beggars were allowed to sleep in a loft, and at night, when everyone in the house was fast asleep, little Anastasia got up, climbed up to the loft, and peeped in.

The three old men stood in the middle of the loft, leaning on their sticks, with their long grey beards flowing down over their hands, and were talking together in low voices.

'What news is there?' asked the eldest.

'In the next village the peasant Ivan has just had his seventh son. What shall we name him, and what fortune shall we give him?' said the second.

The third whispered, 'Call him Vassili, and give him all the property of the hard-hearted man in whose loft we stand, and who wanted to drive us from his door.'

After a little more talk the three made themselves ready and crept softly away.

Anastasia, who had heard every word, ran straight to her father, and told him all.

Mark was very much surprised; he thought, and thought, and in the morning he drove to the next village to try and find out if such a child really had been born. He went first to the priest, and asked him about the children in his parish.

'Yesterday,' said the priest, 'a boy was born in the poorest house in the village. I named the unlucky little thing "Vassili." He is the seventh son, and the eldest is only seven years old, and they hardly have a mouthful amongst them all. Who can be got to stand godfather to such a little beggar boy?'

The merchant's heart beat fast, and his mind was full of bad thoughts about that poor little baby. He would be godfather himself, he said, and he ordered a fine christening feast; so the child was brought and christened, and Mark was very friendly to its father. After the ceremony was over he took Ivan aside and said:

'Look here, my friend, you are a poor man. How can you afford to bring up the boy? Give him to me and I'll make something of him, and I'll give you a present of a thousand crowns. Is that a bargain?'

Ivan scratched his head, and thought, and thought, and then he agreed. Mark counted out the money, wrapped the baby up in a fox skin, laid it in the sledge beside him, and drove back towards home. When he had driven some miles he drew up, carried the child to the edge of a steep precipice and threw it over, muttering, 'There, now try to take my property!'

Very soon after this some foreign merchants travelled along that same road on the way to see Mark and to pay the twelve thousand crowns which they owed him.

As they were passing near the precipice they heard a sound of crying, and on looking over they saw a little green meadow wedged in between two great heaps of snow, and on the meadow lay a baby amongst the flowers.

The merchants picked up the child, wrapped it up carefully, and drove on. When they saw Mark they told him what a strange thing they had found. Mark guessed at once that the child must be his godson, asked to see him, and said:

'That's a nice little fellow; I should like to keep him. If you will make him over to me, I will let you off your debt.'

The merchants were very pleased to make so good a bargain, left the child with Mark, and drove off.

At night Mark took the child, put it in a barrel, fastened the lid tight down, and threw it into the sea. The barrel floated away to a great distance, and at last it floated close up to a monastery. The monks were just spreading out their nets to dry on the shore, when they heard the sound of crying. It seemed to come from the barrel which was bobbing about near the water's edge. They drew it to land and opened it, and there was a little child! When the abbot heard the news, he decided to bring up the boy, and named him 'Vassili.'

The boy lived on with the monks, and grew up to be a clever, gentle, and handsome young man. No one could read, write, or sing better than he, and he did everything so well that the abbot made him wardrobe keeper.

Now, it happened about this time that the merchant, Mark, came to the monastery in the course of a journey. The monks were very polite to him and showed him their house and church and all they had. When he went into the church the choir was singing, and one voice was so clear and beautiful, that he asked who it belonged to. Then the abbot told him of the wonderful way in which Vassili had come to them, and Mark saw clearly that this must be his godson whom he had twice tried to kill.

He said to the abbot: 'I can't tell you how much I enjoy that young man's singing. If he could only come to me I would make him overseer of all my business. As you say, he is so good and clever. Do spare him to me. I will make his fortune, and will present your monastery with twenty thousand crowns.'

The abbot hesitated a good deal, but he consulted all the other monks, and at last they decided that they ought not to stand in the way of Vassili's good fortune.

Then Mark wrote a letter to his wife and gave it to Vassili to take to her, and this was what was in the letter: 'When the bearer of this arrives, take him into the soap factory, and when you pass near the great boiler, push him in. If you don't obey my orders I shall be very angry, for this young man is a bad fellow who

is sure to ruin us all if he lives.'

Vassili had a good voyage, and on landing set off on foot for Mark's home. On the way he met three beggars, who asked him: 'Where are you going, Vassili?'

'I am going to the house of Mark the Merchant, and have a letter for his wife,' replied Vassili.

'Show us the letter.'

Vassili handed them the letter. They blew on it and gave it back to him, saying: 'Now go and give the letter to Mark's wife. You will not be forsaken.'

Vassili reached the house and gave the letter. When the mistress read it she could hardly believe her eyes and called for her daughter. In the letter was written, quite plainly: 'When you receive this letter, get ready for a wedding, and let the bearer be married next day to my daughter, Anastasia. If you don't obey my orders I shall be very angry.'

Anastasia saw the bearer of the letter and he pleased her very much. They dressed Vassili in fine clothes and next day he was married to Anastasia.

In due time, Mark returned from his travels. His wife, daughter, and son-in-law all went out to meet him. When Mark saw Vassili he flew into a terrible rage with his wife. 'How dared you marry my daughter without my consent?' he asked.

'I only carried out your orders,' said she. 'Here is your letter.'

Mark read it. It certainly was his handwriting, but by no means his wishes.

'Well,' thought he, 'you've escaped me three times, but I think I shall get the better of you now.' And he waited a month and was very kind and pleasant to his daughter and her husband.

At the end of that time he said to Vassili one day, 'I want you to go for me to my friend the Serpent King, in his beautiful country at the world's end. Twelve years ago he built a castle on some land of mine. I want you to ask for the rent for those twelve years and also to find out from him what has become of my twelve ships which sailed for his country three years ago.'

Vassili dared not disobey. He said good-bye to his young wife, who cried bitterly at parting, hung a bag of biscuits over his shoulders, and set out.

I really cannot tell you whether the journey was long or short. As he tramped along he suddenly heard a voice saying: 'Vassili! where are you going?'

Vassili looked about him, and, seeing no one, called out: 'Who spoke to me?'

'I did; this old wide-spreading oak. Tell me where you are going.'

'I am going to the Serpent King to receive twelve years' rent from him.'

'When the time comes, remember me and ask the king: "Rotten to the roots, half dead but still green, stands the old oak. Is it to stand much longer on the earth?" '

Vassili went on further. He came to a river and got into the ferryboat. The old ferryman asked: 'Are you going far, my friend?'

'I am going to the Serpent King.'

the king: "For thirty years the ferryman has rowed to and fro. Will the tired old man have to row much longer?" '

'Very well,' said Vassili; 'I'll ask him.'

And he walked on. In time he came to a narrow strait of the sea and across it lay a great whale over whose back people walked and drove as if it had been a bridge or a road. As he stepped on it the whale said, 'Do tell me where you are going.'

'I am going to the Serpent King.'

And the whale begged: 'Think of me and say to the king: "The poor whale has been lying three years across the strait, and men and horses have nearly trampled his back into his ribs. Is he to lie there much longer?" '

'I will remember,' said Vassili, and he went on.

He walked, and walked, and walked, till he came to a great green meadow. In the meadow stood a large and splendid castle. Its white marble walls sparkled in the light, the roof was covered with mother o' pearl, which shone like a rainbow, and the sun glowed like fire on the crystal windows. Vassili walked in, and went from one room to another astonished at all the splendour he saw.

When he reached the last room of all, he found a beautiful girl sitting on a bed.

As soon as she saw him she said: 'Oh, Vassili, what brings you to this accursed place?'

Vassili told her why he had come, and all he had seen and heard on the way.

The girl said: 'You have not been sent here to collect rents, but for your own destruction, and that the serpent may devour you.'

She had not time to say more, when the whole castle shook, and a rustling, hissing, groaning sound was heard. The girl quickly pushed Vassili into a chest under the bed, locked it and whispered: 'Listen to what the serpent and I talk about.'

Then she rose up to receive the Serpent King.

The monster rushed into the room, and threw itself panting on the bed, crying: 'I've flown half over the world. I'm tired, VERY tired, and want to sleep--scratch my head.'

The beautiful girl sat down near him, stroking his hideous head, and said in a sweet coaxing voice: 'You know everything in the world. After you left, I had such a wonderful dream. Will you tell me what it means?'

'Out with it then, quick! What was it?'

'I dreamt I was walking on a wide road, and an oak tree said to me: "Ask the king this: Rotten at the roots, half dead, and yet green stands the old oak. Is it to stand much longer on the earth?" '

'It must stand till some one comes and pushes it down with his foot. Then it will fall, and under its roots will be found more gold and silver than even Mark the Rich has got.'

'Then I dreamt I came to a river, and the old ferryman said to me: "For thirty year's the ferryman has rowed to and fro. Will the tired old man have to row much longer?" '

'That depends on himself. If some one gets into the boat to be

ferried across, the old man has only to push the boat off, and go his way without looking back. The man in the boat will then have to take his place.'

'And at last I dreamt that I was walking over a bridge made of a whale's back, and the living bridge spoke to me and said: "Here have I been stretched out these three years, and men and horses have trampled my back down into my ribs. Must I lie here much longer?" '

'He will have to lie there till he has thrown up the twelve ships of Mark the Rich which he swallowed. Then he may plunge back into the sea and heal his back.'

And the Serpent King closed his eyes, turned round on his other side, and began to snore so loud that the windows rattled.

In all haste the lovely girl helped Vassili out of the chest, and showed him part of his way back. He thanked her very politely, and hurried off.

When he reached the strait the whale asked: 'Have you thought of me?'

'Yes, as soon as I am on the other side I will tell you what you want to know.'

When he was on the other side Vassili said to the whale: 'Throw up those twelve ships of Mark's which you swallowed three years ago.'

The great fish heaved itself up and threw up all the twelve ships and their crews. Then he shook himself for joy, and plunged into the sea.

Vassili went on further till he reached the ferry, where the old man asked: 'Did you think of me?'

'Yes, and as soon as you have ferried me across I will tell you what you want to know.'

When they had crossed over, Vassili said: 'Let the next man who comes stay in the boat, but do you step on shore, push the boat off, and you will be free, and the other man must take your place.

Then Vassili went on further still, and soon came to the old oak tree, pushed it with his foot, and it fell over. There, at the roots, was more gold and silver than even Mark the Rich had.

And now the twelve ships which the whale had thrown up came sailing along and anchored close by. On the deck of the first ship stood the three beggars whom Vassili had met formerly, and they said: 'Heaven has blessed you, Vassili.' Then they vanished away and he never saw them again.

The sailors carried all the gold and silver into the ship, and then they set sail for home with Vassili on board.

Mark was more furious than ever. He had his horses harnessed and drove off himself to see the Serpent King and to complain of the way in which he had been betrayed. When he reached the river he sprang into the ferryboat. The ferryman, however, did not get in but pushed the boat off. . . .

Vassili led a good and happy life with his dear wife, and his kind mother-in-law lived with them. He helped the poor and fed and clothed the hungry and naked and all Mark's riches became his.

For many years Mark has been ferrying people across the river. His face is wrinkled, his hair

and beard are snow white, and his eyes are dim; but still he rows on.

[From the Serbian.]


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Will of the Owl


Willow is a class of trees of the same family as the popular. They grow rapidly, have many and large roots, which grow a long distance through moist soil, and bind it with a network of fibers, thus preventing the banks of streams from being worn away. The most important of all kinds is the white willow, common throughout Asia, Europe, and America. It sometimes reaches the height of 80 feet. It is very useful on the prairies, as it is a fast grower, and also protects other trees from the wind. Other kinds are the golden, blue, brittle, varnished, and green willows. The weeping willow, a native of Asia and North Africa has been introduced into America. It is a large tree and one of the first to leaf out in the spring.

would - an impression of WILL
wood, wooden[wuda, wood, a wood, weald, wald, a wood.]
Wodan- another name for Odin
wield[wealdan, to rule] to use with full command or power. 2 to employ; to control.
weld[German & D. wellen. Of wield] to press or beat into permanent union, as two pieces of iron when heated almost to fusion. -n. Joint made by welding.
wound - a cut, stab(pierce), bruise, rent or the like.

Will n.[willa,wille, see the verb] Power of choosing. 2. Choice which is made; a volition. 3. decree or command. 4. Strong wish. 5. that which is strongly wished desired. 6. Legal declaration of a person, as to how he would have his property disposed of after his death; testament -v. this verb has an irregular and regular form. 1. [Irregular impression. would] (a) to wish; to desire. (b) as an auxiliary, used to denote futurity dependent on the subject of the verb. 2. [Regular, willed; willing] (a) to ordain; to decree. (b) to give by testament; to bequeath. -v. 1. to exercise an act of volition. 2. to be disposed. 3. to determine.

wile[of guile] a trick or stratagem practiced for ensnaring or deception.

willy n. - a machine for opening and cleansing wool, similar to the willow used to cotton manufactures.

wily - full of wiles; mischievously artful. Syn. - Insidious; sly; crafty; subtle [see cunning]

Tollbooth Willie

The Willie Wagtail is insectivorous and spends much time chasing prey in open habitat. Its common name is derived from its habit of wagging its tail horizontally when foraging on the ground. Aggressive and territorial, the Willie Wagtail will often harass much larger birds such as the Laughing Kookaburra and Wedge-tailed Eagle. It has responded well to human alteration of the landscape and is a common sight in urban lawns, parks, and gardens. It was widely featured in aboriginal folklore around the country as either a bringer of bad news or a stealer of secrets.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Planned Destruction~Creator Bullshit


When the gods returned to Asgard, it seemed to them that everything was changed. Balder was gone forever, and Loki, once a gay, witty companion, and later a secret and dreaded foe, was securely bound in the world of darkness. As evening fell upon the city, Odin, surrounded by the greater gods, stood looking out upon the sea, over which the ship Ringhorn had borne the dead Baldur.

All were silent, until at lat Odin spoke: "Baldur has gone, and Loki is punished. A new life begins, and it is right that you, the wisest and strongest of the AEsir, should know what lies before you, and before us all. You are strong, and can bare the truth, hard though it be. You have heard that a time is coming, called the Twilight of the Gods; it is of that I will now speak." Then silence reigned again, while Odin stood with bowed head.

At last he spoke, uttering this solemn prophecy, while his eyes seemed looking into the far, dim future: "As the ages roll on, wickedness shall increase in Asgard, and in the world of men. Witches and monster shall be bred up in the Iron-wood, and shall sow the seeds of evil in the world. Brothers shall slay each other; cousins shall kinship violate; shields shall be cloven; no man will spare another. Hard shall it be in the world - an axe age, a sword age, a wind age, ere the world sinks.

"The great Fimbul winter shall come, when snow shall fall from the four corners of heaven; deadly will be the frost, and piercing the winds, and the darkened sun will impart no gladness. Three such winters shall come, and no summer to gladden the heart with sunshine. Then shall follow more winters, even when greater discord shall prevail. Fierce wolves shall devour the sun and moon, and the stars shall fall from heaven. The earth shall tremble, the stony hills shall be dashed together, giants shall totter, and dwarfs groan before their stony doors. Men shall seek the path leading to the realms of death; and earth, in flames, shall sink beneath the seething ocean.

"Then shall the aged World Tree tremble; and loudly shall bark the dog of hell. At that sound shall the fetters of Loki and wolf be broken; and the Midgard serpent, with terrible lashing and struggling, shall forsake the sea. The ship, Nagelfar, shall be loosed from its moorings by the rocky isle; and all the hosts of evil shall go on board, while Loki steers them across the sluggish sea. Surt shall leave his fiery dales, and join the hosts of evil, to fight against the gods.

"Loudly shall the ancient horn of Heimdall then resound throughout the nine worlds. And when they hear the sound, the hosts of Odin shall make ready; the gods and all the warriors of Valhall shall buckle on their armor for the last great fight. Odin shall seek wisdom from Mimir, that he may know how best to meet his foes.

"Terrible will be the onset when on the great plain the hosts of the sons of destruction meet the armies of the gods. Then will come the second grief to Frigga, when Odin goes to meet the wolf. For then will her beloved fall. But Vidar, the great son of Odin, shall pierce the heart of Loki's offspring, and avenge his father's death. Mighty Thor will meet the Midgard serpent, and in his rage will slay the worm. Back nine paces will he go, and then fall, - he who feared no foe, - slain by the venom of the deadly beast. Tyr shall meet the fierce dog of hell, and they shall slay each other. Frey will meet his death at the hand of Surt, slain by Thiassi's fatal sword. Little shall the love of Gerd avail him on that day. Heimdall, the wise and pure, shall fall at the hand of loki, the father of monsters, and shall in turn cause Loki's death. Few shall be left alive who meet in the great fight!" He ceased, and there was silence, while the shadows deepened, and the sea grew dark.

Finally Tyr spoke: "And is there no hope, Odin? Does all end in darkness?" At these words Odin's face changed ; a gleam of sunshine seemed to fall upon it, and he said: "I see arise, a second time, earth from ocean, beauteously green. I see waterfalls where leap the fish, and eagles flying over the hills. I see Baldur and Hodur, the rulers of a purer race of mortals, - mortals who have longed served Baldur in the lower world, and near them Vidar and the sons of Thor. They meet on Ida's plains, and call to memory the mighty deeds of Loki and Thor. Unsown shall the fields bring forth, and all evil shall be done away with, when Baldur and Hodur reign."

He ceased while his gaze seemed penetrating through the misty ages.

The silence was long; but finally one of the gods said: "And what of us, Odin? Is there no hope for the old gods?"

As he spoke, a look never before seen on his bold features overspread the face of Odin, and raising his eyes reverently, he said: "After the Twilight of the Gods, shall come the Mighty One to judgment, - He whom we dare not name, the powerful One from above, who rules over all. He shall doom pronounce, and strifes allay, and holy peace establish, which shall be forevermore. I see a hall with gold bedecked, brighter than the sun, standing in the high heavens. There shall be the righteous dwell forevermore, in peace and happiness."

As the vision faded, Odin looked upon the gods, who stood silent before him. "My children," said the Allfather, "let us be strong and valiant. Long will be the ages, hard will be the fighting, and many the woes that we must endure. But the brave heart loves danger, and the strong soul shrinks not from evil and sorrow. To do our best, knowing that we shall fall; to fight to the end, and then give place to those who are wholly pure and good, - that is the fate of the old gods. But He whom we may not name has so decreed it; and His decrees are ever just and right."