Wednesday, September 27, 2017


  • 'Radical and overreaching': Bell wants Canadians blocked from piracy websites

    Company says a federal agency like the CRTC should create a blacklist of sites

    By Sophia Harris, CBC News Posted: Sep 27, 2017 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Sep 27, 2017 5:42 AM ET

BELL, known to themselves as Bristish Empire Loyalists, forget the last "L", are not only the "biggest crooks of all" and are in bed with HYDRO ONE in the delivery of mass overloads of electricity to homes in Ontario that along with the laced network of pipes and water running through the pipes, basements with cement foundations, and electrical wiring in these homes causing clouds of electromagnetic energy to be produced which sit in the homes causing failure of appliances, and in humans, illnesses both in the short term and in the long run, through " clumping" of cells and prions, which result in illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease. This is called "genocide" 
Oh, and HYDRO ONE and BELL want people to pay for their own murders. 
BELL Canada is fully and completely aware of and involved in the planning of "The LOO at The SOO", which will not only cause the murder of millions of Canadians and Americans as the waters from Lake Superior basically blow up at Thunder Bay causing a collapse of the northern Michigan peninsula assisted by a blind thrust below causing Lake Superior to empty into the rest of the Great Lakes as the waters race eastward in an inland tsunami all the way to Flushing, New York, creating a domino effect that will make what is being seen in Florida, Puerto Rico, and the rest of the Caribbean islands pale in comparison. 
BELL Canada needs to know that they are at the top of the list in CREATION's PINEAL COURT for Hypocrits and Control Freaks. All within BELL will, upon entrance from this life, wait for their trial in this court. One of the charges will be "Crimes Against Humanity".  
Really, BELL, is preventing people from watching something for less than the outrageous sums you charge really more important than considering your probable eternity? 

Good Bye« less
Posted at 6:04 am PDT September 27, 2017
  • 1 hour ago

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Thursday, September 21, 2017


Trump's 'sovereignty' pitch at UN could be good news for autocrats
Experts debate whether U.S. president gave 'rhetorical gift' to world's most brutal leaders
By Matt Kwong, CBC Posted: Sep 19, 2017 7:30 PM ET Last Updated: Sep 19, 2017 7:54 PM ET

  • Jennifer Ann Kealey
@John Hill Canada has already been invaded by all the sleeper cell bureaucrats brought in years ago to run the government and they all answer to a foreign power with the CBSA directing in the current stream of smuggled human cargo for their foreign bosses- The United Nations. All these bureaucRATS in the Canadian government from the deputy ministers on down are committing treason against Canada or are misprision to treason against Canada. The United Nations directs and decides who can and can't be in a country according to GENETICS of the person. Media in Canada should not open their mouths to say a word or write a single sentence about ANY OTHER COUNTRY except their own because Canadian media are the co-conspirators with said bureaucRATS. Canadian media are at the top of CREATION'S list to be tried in The PINEAL COURT for crimes against humanity along with all the bureaucRATS in BELL British Empire Loyalists, forget the last "L", and HYDRO ONE involved committing treason as well as all of you who are also complicit in planning the LOO at The SOO; the mass genocide of millions of people around the Great Lakes and the northeast United States. I am sick to death of CBC promoting Canada as the perfect, wonderful country because nothing could be farther from the truth. How many of your commenters are actually sitting in front of computers in their monasteries and convents? Canada appears to be full of hypocrites and control freaks. are all at the top of the list turned in to the PINEAL COURT.« less

  • 41 minutes ago

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