Paul Joseph Watson |
Korey Rowe, the Afghanistan and Iraq combat veteran and producer of Loose Change, who was arrested on Monday under charges of desertion, presented his honorable discharge papers to the arresting officers and yet was grabbed after a sophisticated operation where police staked out his house from the woods and cut his phone lines.
Rowe was interviewed about the events today for a Fox News report.Korey Rowe, 24, who served with the 101st Airborne in Afghanistan and Iraq, told FOXNews.com that he was honorably discharged from the military 18 months ago — which he said he explained to sheriffs when they pounded on his door late Monday night.
“When they came to my house, I showed them my paperwork,” Rowe said. “The cops said, 'You’re still in the system.'”
Rowe was turned over to officials at Fort Drum — the closest military base — who then booked him on a flight to Fort Campbell, Ky., where his unit is based, to try to straighten out why the military issued a warrant for his arrest.
“A warrant for my arrest came down and showed up on the sheriff’s desk,” Rowe said. “Where it came from and why it showed up all of a sudden is a mystery to me.”
Rowe said he was sitting in his living room watching the show “Cops” and drinking a beer Monday night when police banged on the door.
“I thought it was the TV,” he said. “There was f-----g mad cops out there. I thought, here we go.”
There were at least five sheriffs on hand for his arrest, Rowe said. They told him he had an active-duty warrant from the military.
“They pulled a whole operation. They cut my phone lines. They came from the woods. It was crazy — it was ridiculous,” he said.
Rowe shared further details with us about the sequence of events than is revealed in the Fox News article.
According to Rowe, Army officials at Fort Drum, where Rowe was held for a day and a half, seemed uninterested in the case until their phone lines were incinerated by a barrage of calls from listeners who responded to our call to action yesterday morning.
It was at that point that officials checked into Rowe's record and immediately confirmed that he had received an honorable discharge and told Rowe he was free to leave, and even offered to pay his way to get back to New York. They were baffled as to why a warrant would be out for his arrest when he had clearly been given permission to leave the Army in 2005.
It was Korey Rowe's personal decision to travel on to Fort Campbell Kentucky in an attempt to ensure his name was completely expunged from the system and that such events would not repeat for a third time, with Rowe having been arrested once before under a similar pretext.
Rowe was able to board an airplane without being apprehended, as he had been many times before the incident, because there has never been a warrant against his name in the database.
Though Korey Rowe puts the arrest down to a probable "administrative error", many in the 9/11 truth movement will be wondering if this was part of a pre-emptive strategy to discredit the upcoming cinematic release of Loose Change Final Cut.
The documentary is set to include explosive new interviews that will shake the political spectrum to the core.
The nature of the arrest certainly has Army intelligence planning written all over it and we will be certain to share more details upon Korey Rowe's return from Kentucky, which is expected to be in around a week's time.