Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Job?


In 1987 I contracted the rest of my life as an unpaid volunteer (bait) to work with creation to expose the secret "wisdom culling" practices of Secret Societies and their BOBBLEHEAD agents who operate openly within so-called DEMOCRATIC and proto democratic countries of the northern hemisphere (ie: the Priests, Monks, Teachers, News Media, Journalists, Opinion Makers, Professors, Lawyers, Politicians, Yellow Sub-Marines, Corporate Directors, Police, etc.; and more specifically, about the combined impact of their treasonous diversion from reality on the WWW INTERNET--ie: Netscape, Yahoo, Internet Explorer etc).

My job is to identify those organizations and individuals who have knowingly chosen to hide the secret "Hindu-Persian ROMA three-phase business plan" to destroy the peoples of America, Europe and Asia, beginning with their combined militaries, in favour of the eventual survivors (only temporary) currently living in the southern hemisphere.

My daily job is simply to report their names to the public and expose their activities (of withholding reality) in any way I can.

I expect Creation will kick ass later.

The SculPTor