Observe in the third scene closely, what is being said and what you're witnessing transpire. This female with her hair which is constantly changing colors(formlessness-wisdom-intuition) manages to slip into this well guarded fortress(the mind). We must never assume that intellection is the substitute for the internal experience of the individual. The mind is the instrument of recollection and also enables us to take a particular experience and expand it or extend it over a larger area of circumstances. The mind can take the key achieved by intuition and place it in many locks giving us broader insight then we previously possessed. But the mind unless it is moved by the spine, itself it is merely an intellectual tyrant. Therefore you have the Mahayana Buddhist text, The Voice of the Silence, says: "Mind is the great Slayer of the Real. Let the Disciple slay the Slayer." The "Real" is beyond mind. But only the mind of the disciple slays the Real. It becomes the slayer. That is just the philosophical standpoint, that scene is something which can be considered literally as well, since women have been genetically altered and used as spies. [see Samson and Delilah]
Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you. (Jesus Christ, Matthew 7:6) As Christ himself understood, talking in parables is often the best way to teach a lesson, for it allows people to realize the truth on their own. Communication depends on metaphors and symbols, which are the basis of language itself. A metaphor is a kind of mirror to the concrete and real, which it often expresses more clearly and deeply than a literal description does.
At the heart of Freemasonry is allegory and symbolism.The moment we lock our thoughts in words we restrict our meanings and hand our will to the creator of those words. Dogmatism has been imposed on symbols and concepts which grow by peoples lack of understanding. There could be a thousand interpretations already known for a certain symbol but if we are content to accept any or all of them we shall shall someway deprive ourselves of the greatest adventure of all and that is personal exploration of the idea, the search within ourselves for meaning. The language of symbolism invites us all to search for meaning. Symbolism is a language in itself, it relates to things about which there is no common knowledge.
In Symbolic languaging you have statements used to conceal tremendous truths. The most powerful symbol goes beyond action into symbol. The power of a symbol - a flag, a mythic story, a monument to some emotional event - is that everyone understands without anything being said. Never neglect the way they arrange things visually. Factors like color, for example, have enormous symbolic resonance.
A symbol can contain dozens of meanings in one simple phrase or object. The Ruse of the Stars (Zoroaster) is a trick that has been used for thousands of years. Symbols can be used as an instrument that strikes with an emotional power and immediacy that leaves no gaps for reflection and doubt. Imagine the Moon Doctor trying to make a case for his medical practice, trying to convince the unconverted by telling them about the healing powers of the moon, and about his own special connection to a distant object in the sky.
Fortunately for him, he was able to make a compelling spectacle that made words unnecessary. The moment his patients entered the beer hall, the image of the moon spoke eloquently enough. The use of scapegoats is as old as civilization itself, and examples of it can be found in cultures around the world. The main idea behind these sacrifices is the shifting of guilt and sin to an outside figure - object, animal, or man - which is then banished or destroyed. The Hebrews used to take a live goat(hence the term "scapegoat") upon whose head the priest would lay both hands while confessing the sins of the Children of Israel.
Having thus had those sins transferred to it, the beast would be led away and abandoned in the wilderness. With the Athenians and Aztecs, the scapegoat was human, often a person fed and raised for the purpose. Since famine and plague were thought to be visited on the humans by the gods, (also known as - NEANDERTHALS) in punishment for wrongdoing, the people suffered not only from the famine and plague(science) themselves but from blame and guilt. They freed themselves of guilt by transferring it to an innocent person, whose death was intended to satisfy the divine powers and banish the evil from their midst.
It is an extremely human response to not look inward after a mistake or crime, but rather to look outward and to affix blame and guilt on a convenient object. When the plague was ravaging Thebes, Oedipus looked everywhere for its cause, everywhere except inside himself and his own sin of incest, which had so offended the gods and occasioned the plague. This profound need to exteriorize one's guilt, to project it on another person or object, has an immense power, which the clever know how to harness. Sacrifice is a ritual, perhaps the most ancient ritual of all; ritual too is a wellspring of power. In the killing of de Orco, note Cesare's symbolic and ritualistic display of his body.
By framing it in this dramatic way he focused guilt outward. The citizens of Romagna responded instantly. Because it comes almost naturally to us to look outward rather than inward, we readily accept the scapegoat's guilt. The bloody sacrifice of the scapegoat seems a barbaric relic of the past, but the practice lives on to this day, if indirectly and symbolically; since power depends on appearances, and those in power must never seem to make mistakes, the use of scapegoats is as popular as ever. What modern leader will take responsibility for his blunders? He searches out for others to blame, a scapegoat to sacrifice. Is it any wonder why they call children KIDS (baby goats) who seem to be the excuse for these charity Masonic scam organizations to promulgate their agenda?