Empire In Descent: The Deliberate Destruction Of AmericaWorldwide despise of the United States an intentional pre-cursor for world government takeover
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones December 2 2005
There is a deliberate agenda at hand to reflect an image of America to the world as a corrupt, evil, deceiving, hypocritical and brutal power. The Bush administration is being played like a fiddle and as each horror story scandal emerges, America sinks further into the waiting jaws of its 'savior' - the dark stalker of global government.
America was once the model of world freedom. Even as recently as the late 1980's, the United States was perceived as a benchmark of how free societies should operate, this despite a slow erosion of respect which began in the Vietnam era.
However, that was a drop in the ocean compared to now. America is universally hated by the population of almost every country on the planet.
Even in my homeland of Britain, America's supposed biggest ally, hatred of all things American, including the American people themselves, is at an all time high. The British hate Americans even more than they do the French or the Germans. In many cases the scope of the resentment is because individuals have difficulty separating the actions of an incumbent government from the real history of a
country and its people.Ceaseless warmongering, a worldwide torture policy and scandal after scandal have left America with a soiled global reputation.
America is the new evil empire, the new Soviet Union. Playing the role of the good guys is the EU/UN global government watchdog. This is the landscape of the manufactured multi-polar world. In reality, both entities are working towards the establishment of a unipolar world dictatorship and for that to happen, America has to be brought down from within.
Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, the lies that justified Iraq, indictments of high level Bush administration officials, brazen war profiteering, and the fallen cartoon character image of George W. Bush, all these issues were meant to come out and they were meant to contribute to the world's decaying tolerance of America as a superpower.
The European Union/United Nations global power bloc is waiting in the wings for when nationwide chaos engulfs America and they have to send in their 'peacekeeping' troops to restore order. Far from just being the plot of X Box video games, Republican Congressman Ron Paul recently warned of this outcome.
In a sense, eve
ry time we report The gigantic mess in Iraq fits in this same picture. When American troops finally do pull out they will be replaced by NATO forces. Even though, as is the case in Afghanistan, the turmoil will continue just the same, the media will rarely report on it and so the wider world will be hoodwinked into thinking that global government saved the day and cleaned up another filthy American quagmire.
Smaller scale terror attacks, as debated in the recent GOP 'terror memo,' occurring around the world and blamed on America's occupation of Iraq, will have the impact of locking in the domestic police state, while still giving the impression that the Bush administration is incompetent and wayward in prosecuting a 'war on terror' that doesn't even exist in the first place.
This whole unfolding scenario is only going to become clearer as we hurtle towards 2006.
America is meant to lose the war in Iraq. America is meant to lose the war on terror. America is meant to descend into anarchy at home.
The end of the age of American superpower status will be the entree for world government to step across the breach in the name of 'securing the interests of the planet' and any notion of national sovereignty will be cast aside and we will witness the birth of a new world order
America was once the model of world freedom. Even as recently as the late 1980's, the United States was perceived as a benchmark of how free societies should operate, this despite a slow erosion of respect which began in the Vietnam era.
However, that was a drop in the ocean compared to now. America is universally hated by the population of almost every country on the planet.
Even in my homeland of Britain, America's supposed biggest ally, hatred of all things American, including the American people themselves, is at an all time high. The British hate Americans even more than they do the French or the Germans. In many cases the scope of the resentment is because individuals have difficulty separating the actions of an incumbent government from the real history of a

America is the new evil empire, the new Soviet Union. Playing the role of the good guys is the EU/UN global government watchdog. This is the landscape of the manufactured multi-polar world. In reality, both entities are working towards the establishment of a unipolar world dictatorship and for that to happen, America has to be brought down from within.
Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, the lies that justified Iraq, indictments of high level Bush administration officials, brazen war profiteering, and the fallen cartoon character image of George W. Bush, all these issues were meant to come out and they were meant to contribute to the world's decaying tolerance of America as a superpower.
The European Union/United Nations global power bloc is waiting in the wings for when nationwide chaos engulfs America and they have to send in their 'peacekeeping' troops to restore order. Far from just being the plot of X Box video games, Republican Congressman Ron Paul recently warned of this outcome.
In a sense, eve

Smaller scale terror attacks, as debated in the recent GOP 'terror memo,' occurring around the world and blamed on America's occupation of Iraq, will have the impact of locking in the domestic police state, while still giving the impression that the Bush administration is incompetent and wayward in prosecuting a 'war on terror' that doesn't even exist in the first place.
This whole unfolding scenario is only going to become clearer as we hurtle towards 2006.
America is meant to lose the war in Iraq. America is meant to lose the war on terror. America is meant to descend into anarchy at home.
The end of the age of American superpower status will be the entree for world government to step across the breach in the name of 'securing the interests of the planet' and any notion of national sovereignty will be cast aside and we will witness the birth of a new world order