Thursday, March 29, 2007
By David Carrico featuring Bill Schnoebelen. Proof of Freemasonry's connection with ancient Babylonian mystery religions and the sexual abuse of children and others during rituals; the promotion of human sacrifice as a pact with Satan.
From a web-review: The existence of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Masonic Ritual Abuse are fully supported by facts, dates and court convictions. The video is Christian based with selections from the Bible. S.M.A.R.T. ( ) has decided to sell this unique video. S.M.A.R.T. is non-sectarian and has no religious affiliation. We highly recommend this video. The information in this video is invaluable in the fight against ritual abuse, the Masons and their ritual abuse and the backlash against the incest movement. It is very well researched and well done
FBI after Halloween Crimes Satanic Cults Babylon Secrets
Dr. Jack Cluney, THD, PHD, is a spirit-filled ordained Baptist minister, authority on Satanism, witchcraft, white supremacy, and other ... all » forms of cult and occult activity. He has been called in to help investigators from the FBI,CIA,OSI, Border Patrol, and dozens of Police and Sheriffs organizations.