Do not misunderstand. The humiliations, abuse, torture, rape and much worse to be exposed are all too real and all too horrible to contemplate. What is staged about it is that soldiers have been deliberately ordered to carry out these atrocities, that the rules of war have been purposefully suspended, that soldiers have not been given training in the Geneva Convention deliberately and then these abuses have been so well-documented, even in many cases by the perpetrators themselves, only to feed it all into the media machine for the purpose of psychological operations. "60 Minutes" is part of that controlled monopoly propaganda arm of the corporatist State and when they "exposed" something on this scale, it was because they had ulterior motives for doing so. Those motives become clearer as we watch it all unfold.
These psychological operations are directed first at the Arab world spurring them into full-scale Jihad, fomenting WWIII for the "Clash of Civilizations" agenda, to plunge America far deeper into intractable war and to justify the draft.
Then these deliberate operations have been directed at the "International Community" (shall we say the "IU" for short?) in order to A) totally destroy what is left of America's reputation and B) to provide another pretext for "Internationalizing Iraq" by setting forth another UN resolution which will then lead to a massive expansion of UN activities in Iraq including the sending in of the blue-helmeted peacekeepers from all parts of the world including probably China and Russia. Thus the UN is further legitimized and viewed by the ignorant as our guiding light out of the darkness.
The so-called "handover" on June 30th will be nothing more than a preplanned transfer of power to the UN (as I have been saying in almost every edition of Aftermath News since day one) and to other tyrants from both the West and, reminiscent of Operation Paperclip, to make selected Saddam-era Baath Party hencemen beneficiaries of "Re-Baathification" by returning them to tyrannical power over their "liberated" bretheren.
This is also designed to fill many Americans with such disgust for their own country that they would begin to call for UN intervention in their own government. Problem-Reaction-Solution, over and over and over again and again.
Now, observe what is really happening! Observe the UN poised to send in the blue-helmeted "saviors
Military Intel & CIA Ordered Abuses At Abu Gharib Prison Sodomizing female prisoners, documented on camera, is not to "extract information". It was ordered and condoned by the intelligence agencies, not only to defile and humiliate the prisoners--and defile the soldiers themselves--but engineered to severely tarnish the reputation of America (even more than it already was) with the help of 60 Minutes, the general media and all involved in now suddenly exposing it. ‘CIA agents ordered Iraq abuses' An Army Reserve general whose soldiers were photographed as they abused Iraqi prisoners said Saturday that she knew nothing about the abuse until weeks after it occurred and that she was “sickened” by the pictures. She said the prison cellblock where the abuse occurred was under the tight control of Army military intelligence officers who may have encouraged the abuse. The suggestion by Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski that the reservists acted at the behest of military intelligence officers appears largely supported in a still-classified Army report on prison conditions in Iraq that documented many of the worst abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison, west of Baghdad, including the sexual humiliation of prisoners. The New Yorker magazine said in its new edition that the report by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba found that reservist military police at the prison were urged by Army military officers and CIA agents to “s! et physical and mental conditions for favorable interrogation of witnesses.” Military intelligence blamed for abuse of Iraqi detainees A top Pentagon intelligence officer is leading an investigation into interrogation practices at an Army-run prison where Iraqi detainees were allegedly beaten and sexually abused, officials announced. The move to appoint Major-General George Fay, the former deputy commander of the Army Intelligence and Security Command, came amid allegations that military guards abused prisoners at the behest of military intelligence operatives. A soldier accused of abusing prisoners at the Abu Ghraib facility told his family that military intelligence officers encouraged the mistreatment.
US general suggests military intelligence had role in abuses A US Army Reserve general whose soldiers were photographed abusing Iraqi prisoners said Saturday the prison cellblock involved was under the tight control of military intelligence, which may have encouraged the abuse, according to the New York Times. U.S. contractors interrogated Iraqi prisoners U.S. security contractors have been employed to interrogate Iraqi prisoners, according to an attorney for a U.S. soldier under investigation. The private contractors were used to interrogate Iraqi detainees in the Abu Ghaib prison north of Baghdad. The attorney for a U.S. soldier accused of abusing Iraqi prisoners said CACI International, based in Arlington, Va., and Titan Corp. of San Diege, provided interrogators and translators for interrogations at Abu Ghaib. Abuse may have been 'order' Abuse of Iraqi prisoners that sparked worldwide condemnation may have been ordered by US military intelligence to extract information from the captives, and was possibly more cruel than officially acknowledged, The New Yorker magazine and Britain's daily Guardian reported on Saturday. Seymour Hersh, investigative reporter for The New Yorker, said that Staff Sergeant Ivan Frederick, one of six US military policemen accused of humiliating Iraqi prisoners at the Abu Gharib prison outside Baghdad, wrote home in January that he had "questioned some of the things" he saw inside the prison, but that "the answer I got was, 'This is how military intelligence wants it done'."CIA behind Iraqi prisoner abuse A US Army Reserve general whose soldiers were photographed abusing Iraqi prisoners has said the prison cellblock involved was under the tight control of military intelligence, which may have encouraged the abuse. Brigadier General Janis Karpinski told The New York Times in a telephone interview that the special high-security cellblock at the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad had been under the direct control of army intelligence officers, not the reservists under her command. The Truth About Abu Ghraib Comments from Abuzaid in Iraq, Bush, and the Pentagon, all express disgust over the abuse (I'd call it torture) of prisoners being held at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. We are told it is "under investigation." Actually, it has been "under investigation" since January. The US public is being led to believe that this is an isolated incident by some rogue US soldiers. The story emerging paints a very different picture. Virtually missing from all US reports is that the CIA, military intelligence, and private contractors were hired at the prison to direct "interrogation," and that US soldiers most likely were following their orders in torturing the prisoners. US officer says prison guards tried to cover up abuse of Iraqi prisoners US prison guards and interrogators attempted to cover up the systematic abuse of Iraqi inmates from the international Red Cross according to a US general dismissed after evidence surfaced of torture at a jail near Baghdad. The claims add weight to a growing body of evidence that the reports of torture at Abu Ghraib prison reflect a pattern of abuse which goes far beyond the six guards now facing possible court martial. Torture commonplace, say inmates' families Luke Harding at Abu Ghraib prison, near Baghdad, where stories of US guards routinely abusing prisoners come as no surprise to Iraqis For the families standing in the dusty car park of Abu Ghraib prison yesterday, the revelations of torture and abuse came as no surprise. Every morning, relatives of Iraqi detainees inside the US prison, just west of Baghdad, gather in the hope that their loved ones might be released. They rarely are. The photos of US soldiers abusing and humiliating Iraqi detainees may have provoked outrage across the world. But for Hiyam Abbas they merely confirmed what she already knew - that US guards had tortured her 22-year-old son Hassan. Humiliation In An Iraqi Jail Outrage mounts over mistreatment of prisoners Abu Ghraib Prison is, even by Iraq's perversely high standards, a place with a barbarous history. During Saddam Hussein's cruel regime, torture, humiliation and random murder were standard fare within its walls. That was all supposed to have changed when coalition forces took over last year and began filling the jail with captives from the motley Iraqi resistance. But it seems that echoes of those unsavory traditions have persisted. US army probe shows long-term GI abuse in Iraq jails: report The US military knew troops had abused Iraqi prisoners for months before graphic, humiliating photographs surfaced last week, a journalist who read a US army report says. "There were three investigations, each by a major general of the army," Seymour Hersh told CNN's "Late Edition." "Clearly somebody at a higher level understood there were generic problems." Hersh published his article in The New Yorker, based on an army investigation by Major General Antonio Taguba, which was not intended for public release. "Specifically, Taguba found that between October and December of 2003 there were numerous instances of 'sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses' at Abu Ghraib," a US-run prison in Baghdad. Hersh said the abuses went far beyond those portrayed in the widely broadcast photographs of sexual abuse, nudity and humiliation that have angered the Arab world. They were! first shown on CBS television's "60 Minutes II." Top U.S. Officer Can't Rule Out Pattern of Prison Abuse The top U.S. military officer declined on Sunday to rule out the possibility that U.S. forces might be guilty of a pattern of abuse of prisoners in Iraq and elsewhere. Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he had not yet read an Army report said to document "sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses" of Iraqi prisoners, including beatings and sodomy. Asked how he could be sure that any such abuses were not "systemic," Myers said on the CBS program "Face the Nation," "I'm not sure of it." 30 More Torture Scandals Probed THIRTY cases of torture and murder by British and American troops against Iraqi POWs are being investigated by defence chiefs. The probe will examine photos of members of the Queen's Lancashire Regiment, who appear to be urinating on a terrified Iraq captive. The dossier of terror includes : Claims that POWs were thrown to their deaths from a bridge. A videotape of the killings is said to have been destroyed. The Nightmare at Abu Ghraib Terrorists like Osama bin Laden have always intended to use their violence to prod the United States and its allies into demonstrating that their worst anti-American propaganda was true. Abu Ghraib was an enormous victory for them, and it is unlikely that any response by the Bush administration will wipe its stain from the minds of Arabs. The invasion of Iraq, which has already begun to seem like a bad dream in so many ways, cannot get much more nightmarish than this. Iraq prisoner abuse pictures genuine: British paper The London newspaper which published pictures apparently showing British troops abusing an Iraqi detainee denied suggestions that they are fakes. Doubts arose Sunday over the authenticity of the shocking photos, after military sources quoted by the BBC said many aspects of the pictures were suspicious. The British military has launched an investigation into photographs published Saturday in Britain's mass-circulation Daily Mirror newspaper appearing to show troops beating and urinating on a hooded Iraqi prisoner in a camp near Basra in British-controlled southern Iraq. The Daily Mirror, an opponent of the Iraq war, said that the prisoner, aged 18-20, was savagely beaten before being thrown from a moving truck. I was left bloody and bruised. Now we've become the torturers In the 1991 Gulf war John Nichol, an RAF navigator, was shot down over Iraq, beaten up and paraded on TV. He gives his reaction to the images of allied brutality They are the images I thought I would never have to see again, sickening pictures of Iraqi prisoners, naked, tortured and humiliated. Surely liberation from Saddam Hussein's brutal, evil regime had seen an end to all of that? Yet here they are, photographs of American soldiers abusing prisoners in Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib's dungeon and of British servicemen brutalising captives in Basra. Iraq prisoners faced "sadistic" abuses Iraqi prisoners have faced numerous "sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses" by U.S. soldiers, including sodomy and beatings, according to a U.S. Army report quoted by the New Yorker magazine. Arab League: Iraqi Prison Photos 'Beyond Disgust' The Arab League said on Saturday photos showing U.S. soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners were "beyond disgust" and that such acts might have been expected from Saddam Hussein, but not those claiming to bring freedom. Hossam Zaki, spokesman for the Cairo-based body, said the League had complained of abuses by U.S.-led forces after a mission to Iraq in December. The League feared more cases of ill-treatment were going unnoticed, he said. The CBS News program "60 Minutes II" on Wednesday aired photos taken at the Abu Ghraib prison last year showing U.S. troops abusing Iraqis held at what was once a notorious center of torture and executions under ousted President Saddam Hussein. "It is beyond the words of despicable acts and disgust that we feel at watching such photographs," Zaki told Reuters.
These psychological operations are directed first at the Arab world spurring them into full-scale Jihad, fomenting WWIII for the "Clash of Civilizations" agenda, to plunge America far deeper into intractable war and to justify the draft.
Then these deliberate operations have been directed at the "International Community" (shall we say the "IU" for short?) in order to A) totally destroy what is left of America's reputation and B) to provide another pretext for "Internationalizing Iraq" by setting forth another UN resolution which will then lead to a massive expansion of UN activities in Iraq including the sending in of the blue-helmeted peacekeepers from all parts of the world including probably China and Russia. Thus the UN is further legitimized and viewed by the ignorant as our guiding light out of the darkness.
The so-called "handover" on June 30th will be nothing more than a preplanned transfer of power to the UN (as I have been saying in almost every edition of Aftermath News since day one) and to other tyrants from both the West and, reminiscent of Operation Paperclip, to make selected Saddam-era Baath Party hencemen beneficiaries of "Re-Baathification" by returning them to tyrannical power over their "liberated" bretheren.
This is also designed to fill many Americans with such disgust for their own country that they would begin to call for UN intervention in their own government. Problem-Reaction-Solution, over and over and over again and again.
Now, observe what is really happening! Observe the UN poised to send in the blue-helmeted "saviors
Military Intel & CIA Ordered Abuses At Abu Gharib Prison Sodomizing female prisoners, documented on camera, is not to "extract information". It was ordered and condoned by the intelligence agencies, not only to defile and humiliate the prisoners--and defile the soldiers themselves--but engineered to severely tarnish the reputation of America (even more than it already was) with the help of 60 Minutes, the general media and all involved in now suddenly exposing it. ‘CIA agents ordered Iraq abuses' An Army Reserve general whose soldiers were photographed as they abused Iraqi prisoners said Saturday that she knew nothing about the abuse until weeks after it occurred and that she was “sickened” by the pictures. She said the prison cellblock where the abuse occurred was under the tight control of Army military intelligence officers who may have encouraged the abuse. The suggestion by Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski that the reservists acted at the behest of military intelligence officers appears largely supported in a still-classified Army report on prison conditions in Iraq that documented many of the worst abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison, west of Baghdad, including the sexual humiliation of prisoners. The New Yorker magazine said in its new edition that the report by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba found that reservist military police at the prison were urged by Army military officers and CIA agents to “s! et physical and mental conditions for favorable interrogation of witnesses.” Military intelligence blamed for abuse of Iraqi detainees A top Pentagon intelligence officer is leading an investigation into interrogation practices at an Army-run prison where Iraqi detainees were allegedly beaten and sexually abused, officials announced. The move to appoint Major-General George Fay, the former deputy commander of the Army Intelligence and Security Command, came amid allegations that military guards abused prisoners at the behest of military intelligence operatives. A soldier accused of abusing prisoners at the Abu Ghraib facility told his family that military intelligence officers encouraged the mistreatment.
US general suggests military intelligence had role in abuses A US Army Reserve general whose soldiers were photographed abusing Iraqi prisoners said Saturday the prison cellblock involved was under the tight control of military intelligence, which may have encouraged the abuse, according to the New York Times. U.S. contractors interrogated Iraqi prisoners U.S. security contractors have been employed to interrogate Iraqi prisoners, according to an attorney for a U.S. soldier under investigation. The private contractors were used to interrogate Iraqi detainees in the Abu Ghaib prison north of Baghdad. The attorney for a U.S. soldier accused of abusing Iraqi prisoners said CACI International, based in Arlington, Va., and Titan Corp. of San Diege, provided interrogators and translators for interrogations at Abu Ghaib. Abuse may have been 'order' Abuse of Iraqi prisoners that sparked worldwide condemnation may have been ordered by US military intelligence to extract information from the captives, and was possibly more cruel than officially acknowledged, The New Yorker magazine and Britain's daily Guardian reported on Saturday. Seymour Hersh, investigative reporter for The New Yorker, said that Staff Sergeant Ivan Frederick, one of six US military policemen accused of humiliating Iraqi prisoners at the Abu Gharib prison outside Baghdad, wrote home in January that he had "questioned some of the things" he saw inside the prison, but that "the answer I got was, 'This is how military intelligence wants it done'."CIA behind Iraqi prisoner abuse A US Army Reserve general whose soldiers were photographed abusing Iraqi prisoners has said the prison cellblock involved was under the tight control of military intelligence, which may have encouraged the abuse. Brigadier General Janis Karpinski told The New York Times in a telephone interview that the special high-security cellblock at the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad had been under the direct control of army intelligence officers, not the reservists under her command. The Truth About Abu Ghraib Comments from Abuzaid in Iraq, Bush, and the Pentagon, all express disgust over the abuse (I'd call it torture) of prisoners being held at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. We are told it is "under investigation." Actually, it has been "under investigation" since January. The US public is being led to believe that this is an isolated incident by some rogue US soldiers. The story emerging paints a very different picture. Virtually missing from all US reports is that the CIA, military intelligence, and private contractors were hired at the prison to direct "interrogation," and that US soldiers most likely were following their orders in torturing the prisoners. US officer says prison guards tried to cover up abuse of Iraqi prisoners US prison guards and interrogators attempted to cover up the systematic abuse of Iraqi inmates from the international Red Cross according to a US general dismissed after evidence surfaced of torture at a jail near Baghdad. The claims add weight to a growing body of evidence that the reports of torture at Abu Ghraib prison reflect a pattern of abuse which goes far beyond the six guards now facing possible court martial. Torture commonplace, say inmates' families Luke Harding at Abu Ghraib prison, near Baghdad, where stories of US guards routinely abusing prisoners come as no surprise to Iraqis For the families standing in the dusty car park of Abu Ghraib prison yesterday, the revelations of torture and abuse came as no surprise. Every morning, relatives of Iraqi detainees inside the US prison, just west of Baghdad, gather in the hope that their loved ones might be released. They rarely are. The photos of US soldiers abusing and humiliating Iraqi detainees may have provoked outrage across the world. But for Hiyam Abbas they merely confirmed what she already knew - that US guards had tortured her 22-year-old son Hassan. Humiliation In An Iraqi Jail Outrage mounts over mistreatment of prisoners Abu Ghraib Prison is, even by Iraq's perversely high standards, a place with a barbarous history. During Saddam Hussein's cruel regime, torture, humiliation and random murder were standard fare within its walls. That was all supposed to have changed when coalition forces took over last year and began filling the jail with captives from the motley Iraqi resistance. But it seems that echoes of those unsavory traditions have persisted. US army probe shows long-term GI abuse in Iraq jails: report The US military knew troops had abused Iraqi prisoners for months before graphic, humiliating photographs surfaced last week, a journalist who read a US army report says. "There were three investigations, each by a major general of the army," Seymour Hersh told CNN's "Late Edition." "Clearly somebody at a higher level understood there were generic problems." Hersh published his article in The New Yorker, based on an army investigation by Major General Antonio Taguba, which was not intended for public release. "Specifically, Taguba found that between October and December of 2003 there were numerous instances of 'sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses' at Abu Ghraib," a US-run prison in Baghdad. Hersh said the abuses went far beyond those portrayed in the widely broadcast photographs of sexual abuse, nudity and humiliation that have angered the Arab world. They were! first shown on CBS television's "60 Minutes II." Top U.S. Officer Can't Rule Out Pattern of Prison Abuse The top U.S. military officer declined on Sunday to rule out the possibility that U.S. forces might be guilty of a pattern of abuse of prisoners in Iraq and elsewhere. Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he had not yet read an Army report said to document "sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses" of Iraqi prisoners, including beatings and sodomy. Asked how he could be sure that any such abuses were not "systemic," Myers said on the CBS program "Face the Nation," "I'm not sure of it." 30 More Torture Scandals Probed THIRTY cases of torture and murder by British and American troops against Iraqi POWs are being investigated by defence chiefs. The probe will examine photos of members of the Queen's Lancashire Regiment, who appear to be urinating on a terrified Iraq captive. The dossier of terror includes : Claims that POWs were thrown to their deaths from a bridge. A videotape of the killings is said to have been destroyed. The Nightmare at Abu Ghraib Terrorists like Osama bin Laden have always intended to use their violence to prod the United States and its allies into demonstrating that their worst anti-American propaganda was true. Abu Ghraib was an enormous victory for them, and it is unlikely that any response by the Bush administration will wipe its stain from the minds of Arabs. The invasion of Iraq, which has already begun to seem like a bad dream in so many ways, cannot get much more nightmarish than this. Iraq prisoner abuse pictures genuine: British paper The London newspaper which published pictures apparently showing British troops abusing an Iraqi detainee denied suggestions that they are fakes. Doubts arose Sunday over the authenticity of the shocking photos, after military sources quoted by the BBC said many aspects of the pictures were suspicious. The British military has launched an investigation into photographs published Saturday in Britain's mass-circulation Daily Mirror newspaper appearing to show troops beating and urinating on a hooded Iraqi prisoner in a camp near Basra in British-controlled southern Iraq. The Daily Mirror, an opponent of the Iraq war, said that the prisoner, aged 18-20, was savagely beaten before being thrown from a moving truck. I was left bloody and bruised. Now we've become the torturers In the 1991 Gulf war John Nichol, an RAF navigator, was shot down over Iraq, beaten up and paraded on TV. He gives his reaction to the images of allied brutality They are the images I thought I would never have to see again, sickening pictures of Iraqi prisoners, naked, tortured and humiliated. Surely liberation from Saddam Hussein's brutal, evil regime had seen an end to all of that? Yet here they are, photographs of American soldiers abusing prisoners in Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib's dungeon and of British servicemen brutalising captives in Basra. Iraq prisoners faced "sadistic" abuses Iraqi prisoners have faced numerous "sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses" by U.S. soldiers, including sodomy and beatings, according to a U.S. Army report quoted by the New Yorker magazine. Arab League: Iraqi Prison Photos 'Beyond Disgust' The Arab League said on Saturday photos showing U.S. soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners were "beyond disgust" and that such acts might have been expected from Saddam Hussein, but not those claiming to bring freedom. Hossam Zaki, spokesman for the Cairo-based body, said the League had complained of abuses by U.S.-led forces after a mission to Iraq in December. The League feared more cases of ill-treatment were going unnoticed, he said. The CBS News program "60 Minutes II" on Wednesday aired photos taken at the Abu Ghraib prison last year showing U.S. troops abusing Iraqis held at what was once a notorious center of torture and executions under ousted President Saddam Hussein. "It is beyond the words of despicable acts and disgust that we feel at watching such photographs," Zaki told Reuters.
These and other torture methods were made standard practice and transferred to the prisons in Iraq. The official US Army report listed all the abuses committed at the Abu Ghraib prison. These methods are standard use in the 'Copper Green' worldwide torture program.
a. (U) Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees;
b. (U) Threatening detainees with a charged 9mm pistol;
c. (U) Pouring cold water on naked detainees;
d. (U) Beating detainees with a broom handle and a chair;
e. (U) Threatening male detainees with rape;
f. (U) Allowing a military police guard to stitch the wound of a detainee who was injured after being slammed against the wall in his cell;
g. (U) Sodomizing a detainee with a chemical light and perhaps a broom stick.
h. (U) Using military working dogs to frighten and intimidate detainees with threats of attack, and in one instance actually biting a detainee.
a. (S) Punching, slapping, and kicking detainees; jumping on their naked feet;
b. (S) Videotaping and photographing naked male and female detainees;
c. (S) Forcibly arranging detainees in various sexually explicit positions for photographing;
d. (S) Forcing detainees to remove their clothing and keeping them naked for several days at a time;
e. (S) Forcing naked male detainees to wear women’s underwear;
f. (S) Forcing groups of male detainees to masturbate themselves while being photographed and videotaped;
g. (S) Arranging naked male detainees in a pile and then jumping on them;
h. (S) Positioning a naked detainee on a MRE Box, with a sandbag on his head, and attaching wires to his fingers, toes, and penis to simulate electric torture;
i. (S) Writing “I am a Rapest” (sic) on the leg of a detainee alleged to have forcibly raped a 15-year old fellow detainee, and then photographing him naked;
j. (S) Placing a dog chain or strap around a naked detainee’s neck and having a female Soldier pose for a picture;
k. (S) A male MP guard having sex with a female detainee; [Rape]
l. (S) Using military working dogs (without muzzles) to intimidate and frighten detainees, and in at least one case biting and severely injuring a detainee;
m. (S) Taking photographs of dead Iraqi detainees (after detainees were beaten to death).
b. (U) Threatening detainees with a charged 9mm pistol;
c. (U) Pouring cold water on naked detainees;
d. (U) Beating detainees with a broom handle and a chair;
e. (U) Threatening male detainees with rape;
f. (U) Allowing a military police guard to stitch the wound of a detainee who was injured after being slammed against the wall in his cell;
g. (U) Sodomizing a detainee with a chemical light and perhaps a broom stick.
h. (U) Using military working dogs to frighten and intimidate detainees with threats of attack, and in one instance actually biting a detainee.
a. (S) Punching, slapping, and kicking detainees; jumping on their naked feet;
b. (S) Videotaping and photographing naked male and female detainees;
c. (S) Forcibly arranging detainees in various sexually explicit positions for photographing;
d. (S) Forcing detainees to remove their clothing and keeping them naked for several days at a time;
e. (S) Forcing naked male detainees to wear women’s underwear;
f. (S) Forcing groups of male detainees to masturbate themselves while being photographed and videotaped;
g. (S) Arranging naked male detainees in a pile and then jumping on them;
h. (S) Positioning a naked detainee on a MRE Box, with a sandbag on his head, and attaching wires to his fingers, toes, and penis to simulate electric torture;
i. (S) Writing “I am a Rapest” (sic) on the leg of a detainee alleged to have forcibly raped a 15-year old fellow detainee, and then photographing him naked;
j. (S) Placing a dog chain or strap around a naked detainee’s neck and having a female Soldier pose for a picture;
k. (S) A male MP guard having sex with a female detainee; [Rape]
l. (S) Using military working dogs (without muzzles) to intimidate and frighten detainees, and in at least one case biting and severely injuring a detainee;
m. (S) Taking photographs of dead Iraqi detainees (after detainees were beaten to death).
LINK TO ORIGINAL DOCUMENT-http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/nation/documents/dojinterrogationmemo20020801.pdf