Tuesday, December 29, 2009


"Etidorhpa, the End of the Earth" (1894), is in all respects the worthiest presentation of Zoro-Astrian Freemasonry teachings under the attractive guise of fiction that has yet to be written. Aphrodite, whose name is reversed, makes the title of the story.

One of the greatest charms of the book is the space between the lines, which reportedly, only the initiated can thoroughly comprehend. In its scope it comprises alchemy, chemistry, science in general, philosophy, metaphysics, morals, biology, sociology, theosophy, materialism and theism. It excels Bulwer-Lytton's "Coming Race" or any work by Jules Verne. It equals Dante's "Inferno" and Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress". To a small group of elite Freemasons Etidorhpa is neither a puzzle nor a surprise, even when they deny this in public.

The speech of affection is the g-race of Etidorhpa's lips, and kindness the adornment of her spir-it; the incarnation of the spirit of the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians. Functioning brains will be fascinated by its so-called wisdom. It is not written for an Oxford graduate with a cut-and-dried mind filled with twaddle after a model formed by others.

Etidorhpa is a corner stone of Zoro-Astrian Freemasonry's "business plan", a foreshadowing of a New World Order. In the lines it is the most important book of the nineteenth century: between the lines it ranks with Basil Valentine and Albert Pike. Scott, Byron, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats and Tennyson set the stage--Etidorhpa was Freemasonry's operator's manual for the twentieth century. Paracelus, Roger Bacon, Galvin and Mesmer smile over it in a manner that reminds one the Mona Lisa.


The SculPTor