The uncertain history of China ascends to about 2,500 years before the Christian era; the uncertain history commences about eight centuries before Christ. According to Chinese tradition, the founders of the state, a hundred families in number, descended from the mountains of Kulcum, on the lake of Khukhunor, north-west of China; and hence the middle provinces of Chensee, Leong, Hona, &c. were the first seats of their cultivation. These provinces are in the same climate as Greece and Italy. Twenty-two dynasties of princes are enumerated as having governed China to the present day, the actual emperor being the fifth monarch of the twenty-second or Tai Tsin dynasty. Of these dynasties, one of the most remarkable is the Song, which ruled over the southern empire at the time China was divided into two, and fell beneath the arms of the Yver or mingled nomadic tribes, led to conquest by the descendants of Chingis Khan. This line, which reigned from A.D. 960 to 1280, distinguished itself by the encouragement of the arts and sciences; it cultivated relations with Japan, fostered trade and commerce, and in all things went contrary to the established maxims of Chinese policy, and while it lasted the empire bloomed beneath its sway; but the hordes of the desert leveled its glories, and its fate has been ever since held up as an awful warning to those who venture to depart even a hair's breadth from the ancient manners. At an earlier period, under the dynasty of Tsin (248-206 B.C.), China first received religion from India; but the missionaries were not artful or prudent enough to adapt it to Chinese maxims of state, and they were unsuccessful in the contest between them and the learned. At a later period, when the Buddhism of India had become the Lamaism of Tibet, it entered China as the religion of Foe, and by the worldly prudence of its bonzes or priests, succeeded in gaining a favorable reception and becoming the religion of the state. Everything that hopes for success in this country must fall in with the national character. China has often been overcome, and its reigning dynasty changed; but the manners and institutions of China remain unaltered, as different from those of the Caucasian race as the features of the Chinese face are from those of the European.