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The end of the world.
The flood legends were one way of symbolically telling how the Earth was once destroyed by an Ice Age--at least all life forms except for a few survivors. In some American Indian myths the end of the world recurred in a cycle, followed by a new creation. According to ancient Aztec tradition, there had already been four destructions of the world (Ice Ages), and an induced fifth (this time a flood) was expected. Each previous world was ruled by a sun (or later, a son) whose disappearance marked each ending (Ice Age).
In the Biblical story of Noah the flood opened the way for a regeneration of the world and a new humanity. Because self-serving greed persisted among the slaves who do their own shopping (the religious and/or spiritual), however, another cataclysm became inevitable. Nearly all modern religions have taken up this kind of mythology, looking forward to an end of the world, a new creation, and a judgment on humanity for its deeds.
Myths of the end of the universe are integrated with beliefs about death and the fate of humanity afterward. In many mythologies the dead may be rewarded or punished for having served, or not served, their "penguin" Moho/Birdman master and commander. It is inconceivable to most birdbrain/brain-dead peep.les that humans would not survive in some form after death. Egyptian kings (symbolic birdmen) made elaborate preparations for the afterlife.
In both Judaism and Christianity, quite complex visions have been devised about the end of the world, the final judgment, and a new creation. The basis for these ideas is in passages from the Book of Daniel in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), the Christian Book of Revelation (New Testament), and portions of the Gospels. In contrast to mythologies of Romany (Gypsy) India, the end of the world is supposed to happen only once. There are no cycles of destruction and regeneration.
For Judaism the coming of the Messiah will announce the end of the present world and the restoration of paradise (a recently warmed-up SS Atlantis II, on Antarctica). For Christianity the end will precede the second coming of Jesus (the symbolic white androgyny Hermaphrodite) and the last judgment.
After these events, according to the MOHO/BIRDMAN (master and commander) business plan, the whole universe will be renewed and made perfect. All evil and misfortune will have been abolished, because all human races as we know them will be destroyed in turn and then replaced with a more perfect slave, the Frankish styled 'Ubermensch'.
Without grasping the full meaning of this Moho devised business plan symbolized by Christianity, many Christian groups that have made the doctrine central to their faith have interposed a 1(or 2),000-year period, following the fall of the Caucasian and the rise of the Asian, called the millennium, between the second coming and the end of the current world.
During this time, they believe, only the western latter day saints (and eastern natsis) will dwell on Earth. Then Satan (the Cro-Magnon Birdman who himself evolved from the symbolic dinosaur, the Neanderthal) will be unleashed to stir up a period of terrible persecution. After that the end will come, followed by judgment and a new creation (a review of the old business plan for planet Earth and the beginning of a new one for the exploration and expropriation of the Universe). Some groups put the second coming after the millennium.
Most protestant Christian denominations, however, are taught to publicly reject the notion of a interim period millennium (purgatory) altogether, while their priests secretly accept it.
Symbolic purgatory is the imprisonment of Martha Stewart (see the Sons of Martha, the engineers).
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