Saturday, February 6, 2010


illuminati pl.n. 1. People claiming to be unusually enlightened with regard to a subject. 2. Illuminati. Any of various groups claiming special religious enlightenment.

Gregory, the Illuminator, Saint (257?-337?), reputed founder and patron saint of Armenian church; festival October 1.

HOLOGRAPHY. Photography was once considered the best means of recording visual information, but with the development of holography, the simple, two-dimensional images of photographs were surpassed. Holography is a technique by which the image of a three dimensional object is recorded on film so that upon reconstruction, or playback, the constructed image of the object is three dimensional. The term hologram comes from the Greek words holos, meaning "whole," and gram, meaning "writing." Each portion of the hologram stores an encoded message about the whole object.

An image is exposed on film by means of the light that passes through the camera's lens when the shutter is open. How the image appears on film depends on how the subject is illuminated. Light brings out contours, creates depth and mood, and gives dramatic effect. Because images on motion-picture film are constantly changing, each shot presents particular lighting problems. By controlling the intensity, direction, and diffusion of light, the filmmaker models his images.

M17, in astronomy, a bright diffuse nebula located approximately 9 degrees north of the star Kaus Borealis in the constellation Sagittarius. M17 is commonly called the O mega Nebula, though it is also referred to as the Lobster, Horseshoe, or Swan Nebula. Bordering the northern part of Sagittarius, M17 lies 2 degrees from the center of the small Sagittarius star cloud and 2 degrees south of another diffuse nebula, M16, which is located in the constellation Serpens. M17 is best viewed in the evening during the month of August. In 1746 Philippe Loys de Cheseaux discovered M17. French astronomer Charles Messier listed it in his catalog in June 1764. The New General Catalogue (NGC) number of M17 is 6618.

M20, in astronomy, a large diffuse nebula in the constellation Sagittarius. Commonly referred to as the Trifid Nebula, M20 is situated approximately 2 degrees north-northwest of the diffuse nebula M8. In the southern latitudes, M20 can easily be seen with binoculars as part of a Milky Way star field; however, it is less visible from the northern latitudes. The nebula is also very close to the rich open star cluster M21; when viewed at low power, both objects appear within the same field. M20 was first seen by Le Gentil while he was observing M8 in 1747. French astronomer Charles Messier added it to his catalog in June 1764. Astronomer John Herschel was the first to describe the nebula as "trifid," because of its three-lobed shape. The New General Catalogue (NGC) number of M20 is 6514.

Biological Clocks and Animal Navigation
During their annual migrations, some birds fly over vast stretches of water or fly at night when landmarks are not visible. The golden plover, for example, leaves Alaska in late summer and fli es to its winter home in Hawaii. Flying over water for more than 2,000 miles, the bird requires pinpoint navigational accuracy to reach the tiny group of islands. Any significant error would cause it to become lost over the Pacific Ocean. Insects also have this direction-finding ability. The food-laden honeybee, for instance, makes a "beeline" for its hive.
Studies show that the direction-finding ability of animals depends on "sightings" of the sun or stars and on the functioning of an internal clock that senses the time of day with some accuracy. The internal clock is vital for navigation because the positions of the sun and stars are never fixed in the sky. An animal relying on them for navigational purposes would have to know the time between one such position and another in order to maintain its course.

M16, in astronomy, an open star cluster closely associated with the Eagle Nebula, a huge diffuse cloud of interstellar gas and dust located in the constellation Serpens. Massive, young stars in M16 emit high-energy radiation, which causes the nebula to shine. The formation lies at the intersection of the constellations Sagittarius, Serpens, and Scutum. More precisely, it can be found 3 degrees north of the cluster M17, which is in the constellation Sagittarius, and 1 degree north and 2.5 degrees west of the star Gamma Scuti. M16 lies at the northern end of an S-shaped formation of bright stars that covers a wide area. The brightest part of the Eagle Nebula, illuminated by M16 and two bright companion stars, is located at the tail of the S. M16 is one of the most spectacular of the cluster-nebula formations.

Freemasonry is a SYSTEM of MORALITY veiled in ALLEGORY and illustrated by SYMBOLS.