The Eastern Star says Brother Pike, is the Masonry of Adoption. It is in seven degrees. It is applied to those "side degrees" which are conferred on both males and females. The essential regulation prevailing in these degrees, is that they can be conferred only on Master Masons(and in some instances on Royal Arch Masons) and on their female relatives, the peculiar relationship differing in the different degrees.
Thus, there is a degree generally called a "Mason's Wife", which can be conferred only on Master Masons, their wives, unmarried daughters and sisters, and their wi
dowed mothers. Another degree called "Heroine of Jericho", is conferred only on the wives and daughters of Royal Arch Masons; and the third, the only one that has much pretension of ceremony or ritual, is the "Good Samaritan" whose privileges are confined to Royal Arch masons and their wives.
The fact is, that by their friends as well as their enemies these so called degrees have been greatly misrepresented. When females are told that in receiving these degrees they are admitted into the Masonic Order, and are obtaining Masonic information, under the name of "Ladies' Masonry", they are simply deceived. When a woman is informed that, by passing through the brief and unimpressive ceremony of any one of the degrees, she has become a Mason, the deception is still more gross and inexcusable. But it is true that every woman who is related by consanguinity to a Master Mason is at all times and under all circumstances peculiarly entitled to Masonic protection and assistance. Now, if the recipient of an androgynous degree is candidly instructed that, by the use of these degrees, the female relatives of Masons are put in the possession of the means of making there claims known by what we call oral testimony which, unlike a written certificate, can be neither lost nor destroyed; but that, by her initiation as a "Mason's Wife" or as a "Heroine of Jericho", she is brought no nearer to the inner portal of Masonry than she was before - if she is honestly told this , then there can hardly be any harm, and there may be some good in these forms if prudently bestowed. But all attempts to make Masonry of them, and especially that anomalous thing called " Female Masonry", are reprehensible, and are well calculated to produce opposition among the well informed and cautious members of the Fraternity.
A woman could scarcely have been required to swear that she "would not take her fellow's wife in villainy", nor make anyone a Mason unless "he has his right limbs as a man ought to have". A woman might be a female grocer or haberdasher, but she could hardly perform the duties of a female builder.
"So mote it be"
Thus, there is a degree generally called a "Mason's Wife", which can be conferred only on Master Masons, their wives, unmarried daughters and sisters, and their wi

The fact is, that by their friends as well as their enemies these so called degrees have been greatly misrepresented. When females are told that in receiving these degrees they are admitted into the Masonic Order, and are obtaining Masonic information, under the name of "Ladies' Masonry", they are simply deceived. When a woman is informed that, by passing through the brief and unimpressive ceremony of any one of the degrees, she has become a Mason, the deception is still more gross and inexcusable. But it is true that every woman who is related by consanguinity to a Master Mason is at all times and under all circumstances peculiarly entitled to Masonic protection and assistance. Now, if the recipient of an androgynous degree is candidly instructed that, by the use of these degrees, the female relatives of Masons are put in the possession of the means of making there claims known by what we call oral testimony which, unlike a written certificate, can be neither lost nor destroyed; but that, by her initiation as a "Mason's Wife" or as a "Heroine of Jericho", she is brought no nearer to the inner portal of Masonry than she was before - if she is honestly told this , then there can hardly be any harm, and there may be some good in these forms if prudently bestowed. But all attempts to make Masonry of them, and especially that anomalous thing called " Female Masonry", are reprehensible, and are well calculated to produce opposition among the well informed and cautious members of the Fraternity.
A woman could scarcely have been required to swear that she "would not take her fellow's wife in villainy", nor make anyone a Mason unless "he has his right limbs as a man ought to have". A woman might be a female grocer or haberdasher, but she could hardly perform the duties of a female builder.
"So mote it be"
Freemasonry's first secret mission was to disempower the women of the world.
Women were created first the EVE of Adam.
Since time immemorial women had directed matriarchal clan based societies that limited the power of gay priests.
Lilith was the real name of Adam's wife.
Lilith was later portrayed as a harlot, by the gay Priests of FREEMASONRY, in order to demonize women as a whole.
A patriarchal system was then imposed upon the world.
Who are the Freemasons that control National Politicians, Press and Police?
90 Degrees of Egyptian Freemasonry
I Series - Symbolic
1st class
01 - Apprentice
02 - Fellow-Craft
03 - Master
2nd class
04 - Secret Master
05 - Perfect Master
06 - Master through Curiosity
07 - Provost and Judge or Irish Master
08 - English Master
3rd class
09 - Elect of Nine
10 - Elect of the Unknown
11 - Elect of Fifteen
12 - Perfect Elect
13 - Illustrious Elect
4th class
14 - Scottish Trinitarian
15 - Scottish Fellow Craft
16 - Scottish Master
17 - Scottish Panisiere
18 - Master Ecossais
19 - Ecossais of the Three J.J.J.
20 -Ecossais of the Sacred Vault of James
21 -Ecossais of St. Andrew
5th class
22 - Little Architect
23 - Grand Architect
24 - Architecture
25 - Apprentice Perfect Architect
26 - Fellow-Craft Perfect Architect
27 - Master Perfect Architect
28 - Perfect Architect
29 - Sublime Ecossais
30 - Sublime Ecossais of Heroden
6th class
31 - Grand Royal Arch
32 - Grand Ax
33- Sublime Knight of Election, Chief of the First Symbolic Series
II Series - Philosophic
7th class
34 - Knights of Sublime Election
35 - Prussian Knight
36 - Knights of the Temple
37 - Knights of the Eagle
38 - Knights of the Black Eagle
39 - Knights of the Red Eagle
40 - White Knight of the East
41 - Knights of the East
8th class
42 - Commander of the East
43 - Grand Commander of the East
44 - Architecture of the Sovereign Commanders of the Temple
45 - Prince of Jerusalem
9th class
46 - Sovereign Prince Rose Croix of Kilwinning anf Heroden
47 - Knight of West
48 - Sublime Philosopher
49 - Chaos the first, discreet
50 - Chaos the second, wise
51 -Knight of the Sun
10th class
52 - Supreme Commander of the Stars
53 - Sublime Philosopher
54 - First Degree of the Key of Masonry, Minor
55 - Second Degree, Washer
56 - Third Degree, Bellowsblower
57 - Fourth Degree, Caster
58 - True Mason Adept
59 - Sovereign Elect
60 - Sovereign of Sovereigns
61 - Grand Master of Symbolic Lodges
62 - Most High and Most Powerful Grand Priest Sacrificer
63 - Knights of Palestine
64 - Grand Knight of the White and Black Eagle
65 -Grand Elect Knight Kadosh
66 - Grand Inquiring Commander, Chief of the Second Series
III Series - Mystical
11 class
67 - Benevolent Knight
68 - Knight of the Rainbow
69 - Knight Chanuka, called Hynaroth
70 - Most Wise Israelitish Prince
12th class
71 - Sovereign Prince Talmudim
72 - Sovereign Prince Zadkim
73 - Grand Haram
13th class
74 - Sovereign Princes Haram
75 - Sovereign Princes Hasidim
14th class
76 - Known only to the Possessors and Troglodytes
77 - Grand Inspector Intendant, Regulator General of the Order, Chief of the Third Series
IV Series - Kabbalistic
15th and 16th classes
78 - Known only to the Possessors and Troglodytes
79 - Known only to the Possessors and Troglodytes
80 - Known only to the Possessors and Troglodytes
81 - Known only to the Possessors and Troglodytes
82 - Known only to the Possessors and Troglodytes
83 - Known only to the Possessors and Troglodytes
84 - Known only to the Possessors and Troglodytes
85 - Known only to the Possessors and Troglodytes
86 - Known only to the Possessors and Troglodytes
17th class
87 - Sovereign Grand Princes, constituted Grand Masters, and legitimate
representatives of the Order for the First Series
88 - Same but for the Second Series
89 - Same but for the Third Series
90 - Absolute Sovereign Grand Master, Supreme Power of the Order, and Chief of the Fourth Series