1: 8,ooo languages (English - the Master's peace)
2: Meaning of the wo rds and spelling (to cast a spell)
3: Allegory (female/male gory) and symbols
4: Mirror imaging (backward writing - ie: Enola Gay)
5: Sounds or phonetics (taught by the Phoenicians)
6: Hieroglyphics of each character (as in a play)
7: Alpha-numeric conversion (Kabalarian)
2: Meaning of the wo rds and spelling (to cast a spell)
3: Allegory (female/male gory) and symbols
4: Mirror imaging (backward writing - ie: Enola Gay)
5: Sounds or phonetics (taught by the Phoenicians)
6: Hieroglyphics of each character (as in a play)
7: Alpha-numeric conversion (Kabalarian)