The commencement of the mysteries was signalized by the consecration of the mysteries of an egg, in allusion to the mundane egg from which all things were supposed to have sprung. The candidate having been first purified by water, and crowned with a myrtle branch, was introduced into the vestibule, and then clothed in the sacred habiiliments. he was then delivered to the conductor, who, after the mystic warning "Depart hence, all ye profane!" exhorted to the candidate to exert all his fortitude and courage in the dangers and trials through which he was about to pass. He was then led through a series of dark caverns, a part of the ceremonies which Stobaeus calls "a rude and fearful march through night and darkness." During this passage he was terrified by the howling of wild beasts, and other fearful noises; artificial thunder reverbated through the subterranean apartments, and transient flashes of lightning revealed monstrous apparitions of his sight. In this state of darkness and terror he was kept for three days and nights, after which he commenced the aphanism or mystical death of Bacchus. He was now placed on the pastos or couch, that is, he was confined in a solitary cell, where he could reflect seriously on the nature of the undertaking in which he was engaged. During this time, he was alarmed with the sudden crash of waters, which was intended to represent the deluge. Typhon, searching for Osiris, or Dionysus, for they are here identical, discovered the ark in which he had been secreted, and, tearing it violently asunder, scattered the limbs of his victims upon the waters. The aspirant now heard the lamentations which were instituted for the death of the god. Then commenced the search of Rhea for the remains of Dionysus. The apartments were filled with shrieks and groans; the initiated mingled with their howlings of despair the frantic dances of the Corybantes; everything was a scene of distraction, until at a signal from the hierophant, the whole drama changed; - the mourning was turned to joy; the mangled body was found; and the aspirant was released from his confinement, amid the shouts of "We have found it(truth); let us rejoice together." The candidate was now made to descend into the infernal regions (core), where he beheld the torments of the wicked and rewards of the virtuous. It was now that he recieved the lecture explanatory of the Rites, and was invested with the tokens which served the initiate as a means of recognition. He then underwent a lustration, after which he was intriduced into the holy place, where he recieved the name of epopt, and was fully instructed in the doctrine of the mysteries, which consisted in a belief in the existence of one God and a future state of rewards and punishments. These doctrines were inculcated by a variety of significant symbols. After the performance of these ceremonies, the aspirant was dimissed, and the Rites concluded with the pronunciation of the mystic words, Knox Ompax. Sainte Croix (Myst. du Pag., ii. 90,) says that the murder of Dionysus by the Titans was only an allegory of the physical revolutions of the world; but these were in part, in the ancient inittiations, significant of the changes of life and death and resurrection.
An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry