Willow is a class of trees of the same family as the popular. They grow rapidly, have many and large roots, which grow a long distance through moist soil, and bind it with a network of fibers, thus preventing the banks of streams from being worn away. The most important of all kinds is the white willow, common throughout Asia, Europe, and America. It sometimes reaches the height of 80 feet. It is very useful on the prairies, as it is a fast grower, and also protects other trees from the wind. Other kinds are the golden, blue, brittle, varnished, and green willows. The weeping willow, a native of Asia and North Africa has been introduced into America. It is a large tree and one of the first to leaf out in the spring.
would - an impression of WILL
wood, wooden[wuda, wood, a wood, weald, wald, a wood.]
Wodan- another name for Odin
wield[wealdan, to rule] to use with full command or power. 2 to employ; to control.
weld[German & D. wellen. Of wield] to press or beat into permanent union, as two pieces of iron when heated almost to fusion. -n. Joint made by welding.
wound - a cut, stab(pierce), bruise, rent or the like.
Will n.[willa,wille, see the verb] Power of choosing. 2. Choice which is made; a volition. 3. decree or command. 4. Strong wish. 5. that which is strongly wished desired. 6. Legal declaration of a person, as to how he would have his property disposed of after his death; testament -v. this verb has an irregular and regular form. 1. [Irregular impression. would] (a) to wish; to desire. (b) as an auxiliary, used to denote futurity dependent on the subject of the verb. 2. [Regular, willed; willing] (a) to ordain; to decree. (b) to give by testament; to bequeath. -v. 1. to exercise an act of volition. 2. to be disposed. 3. to determine.
wile[of guile] a trick or stratagem practiced for ensnaring or deception.
willy n. - a machine for opening and cleansing wool, similar to the willow used to cotton manufactures.
wily - full of wiles; mischievously artful. Syn. - Insidious; sly; crafty; subtle [see cunning]
Tollbooth Willie
The Willie Wagtail is insectivorous and spends much time chasing prey in open habitat. Its common name is derived from its habit of wagging its tail horizontally when foraging on the ground. Aggressive and territorial, the Willie Wagtail will often harass much larger birds such as the Laughing Kookaburra and Wedge-tailed Eagle. It has responded well to human alteration of the landscape and is a common sight in urban lawns, parks, and gardens. It was widely featured in aboriginal folklore around the country as either a bringer of bad news or a stealer of secrets.
would - an impression of WILL
wood, wooden[wuda, wood, a wood, weald, wald, a wood.]
Wodan- another name for Odin
wield[wealdan, to rule] to use with full command or power. 2 to employ; to control.
weld[German & D. wellen. Of wield] to press or beat into permanent union, as two pieces of iron when heated almost to fusion. -n. Joint made by welding.
wound - a cut, stab(pierce), bruise, rent or the like.
Will n.[willa,wille, see the verb] Power of choosing. 2. Choice which is made; a volition. 3. decree or command. 4. Strong wish. 5. that which is strongly wished desired. 6. Legal declaration of a person, as to how he would have his property disposed of after his death; testament -v. this verb has an irregular and regular form. 1. [Irregular impression. would] (a) to wish; to desire. (b) as an auxiliary, used to denote futurity dependent on the subject of the verb. 2. [Regular, willed; willing] (a) to ordain; to decree. (b) to give by testament; to bequeath. -v. 1. to exercise an act of volition. 2. to be disposed. 3. to determine.
wile[of guile] a trick or stratagem practiced for ensnaring or deception.
willy n. - a machine for opening and cleansing wool, similar to the willow used to cotton manufactures.
wily - full of wiles; mischievously artful. Syn. - Insidious; sly; crafty; subtle [see cunning]
Tollbooth Willie
The Willie Wagtail is insectivorous and spends much time chasing prey in open habitat. Its common name is derived from its habit of wagging its tail horizontally when foraging on the ground. Aggressive and territorial, the Willie Wagtail will often harass much larger birds such as the Laughing Kookaburra and Wedge-tailed Eagle. It has responded well to human alteration of the landscape and is a common sight in urban lawns, parks, and gardens. It was widely featured in aboriginal folklore around the country as either a bringer of bad news or a stealer of secrets.