Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Following Fellows

CAMPAIGN - the country about Naples so called for its being level. 1. a large open plain. 2. Time that an army keeps the field. To serve as a campaign.

A soldier; a veteran

- A flat open country. Flat or open as a country.

CHAMPAIGN is a province of France, bounded by Picardy on the north, by Lorraine on the east, by Burgundy on the south, and by the isle of France on the west. Its capital is Troyes.

A CHAMPAIN, or point CHAMPAIN, in heraldry, a mark of dishonor in the coat of arms of him who kills a prisoner of war after he has cried quarter.

A CHAMPION is a person who undertakes a combat in the place or quarrel of another; and sometimes the word is used for him who fights in his own cause. It appears that champions, in the just sense of the word, were persons who fought instead of those that, by custom, were obliged to accept the duel, but had a just excuse for dispensing with it, as being too old, infirm, or being ecclesiastics, and the like. Such cause as could not be decided by the course of common law, were often tried by single combat; and he who had the good fortune to conquer, was always reputed to have justice on his side. Champions who fought for interests only, were held infamous; these hired themselves to the nobility, to fight for them in case of need, and did homage for their pension.

The CHAMPION OF THE KING, or person whose office it is, at the coronation of our kings, to ride armed in the Westminister hall, while the king is at dinner there, and, by the proclamation of a herald, make challenge to this effect, viz. "That if any man shall deny the king's title to the crown, he is there ready to defend it in single combat etc. Which done, the king drinks to him, and sends him a gilt cup, with a cover, full of wine, which the champion drinks, and has the cup for his fee.

The Saxon word for fellow is felaw. Spelman derives it from two words, fe and loy, which signifies bound in mutual trust; a plausible derivation, and not unsuited to the meaning of the word. But Hicks gives a better etymology when he derives it from the Anglo Saxon folgian, "to follow," and thus a fellow would be a follower, a companion, an associate. In French the Fellow Craft of Freemasonry is called Compagnon; in Spanish, Companero; in Italian, Compagno; and in German, Gesell; in all of which the radical meaning is a fellow workman.