Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Asia Minor (Anatolia) in today's eastern Turkey was once called Cappadocia. Throughout this region, and all the way into the Zagros mountains of Persia (Iran) to the east, in the Kingdom of Media, lived the Kurds. In the period at the end of the last Ice Age, from 9500~9000 BC, the Kurds Media Priest~Hood was known as the Magi or, the Cult of the Bald Turkey Vulture.

To dispose of dead bodies these Priests practised excarnation. "It is said that the body of a male Persian is never buried, until it has been torn either by a dog or a bird of prey. That the Magi had this custom there is no doubt, for they practised it without any concealment." Once the bodies had been picked clean, the bones were gathered and placed in a stone ossuary (box) and stored indoors, in caves, in a manner very similar to how the ashes of a deceased who has recently been cremated are preserved in Urns today. Since then, Ossuaries have become the trademark, or symbol, that identifies the presence of the Cult of the Bald Turkey Vulture, the Magi Priest~Hoods of Turkey's Land of Media.

The Kingdom of Media, stretching from today's Turkey to Azerbaijan, including parts of Syria, Iraq and Iran, along with Russia's Georgia and Armenia, was to be known later as Kurdistan. It is the nation of the Kurdish people - the northern Kurds. The Kurds are mountain shepherds whose specialty, to this day, is the fabrication of illusions; as one can tell by the recent lootings of the Nationa l Library and Museum in Iraq. In fact, the fabrication of various religions, their grandest illusions for the world, is their favorite pastime.

First, in ancient times, they fabricated Zoroastrianism for Persia, then Parsee and Hinduism for India, Buddhism for Thibet, as well as Judaism, Christianity, Islam and many, many more End Times religions. Likewise, they have written as many as 6000 different languages to divide and conqer the world. Also, the fabrication of arts and entertainment, especially that which is linked to politics, religion and gambling, is also of great interest to the Kurds.

The purpose for all of this is to make people feel good about being slaves to a worldwide political/religious system that robs them of their birthright. To accomplish their goals in the West, Kurds have had to open branch offices in Egypt, Greece, Germany, Basque Country, Rome, France, Ireland and Scotland, as well as, in both North and South America. As a matter of fact the business of creating illusions which is known to Insiders as 'Rhombus' (lozenge), has become so profitable that the Magi Priest~Hoods who control the Kurds have had to move out of Media and establish new headquarters in distant mountain ranges that provide them with additional privacy, security and expanded space, and where they can lay out their vast and ever growing booty.

This new Head-office is now located in Antarctica, while the day to day operations and communications between Europe and America are being monitored from Greenland. The Azores, those little islands in the middle of the Atlantic ocean which belong to Portugal, are also being used by the recently amalgamated Kurd~Basque PHOENIX priest~hoods for the occasional seminar, or briefing.

However, we are getting ahead of ourselves. If a student of reality wishes to begin to overstand ultimate reality, in lieu of the Kurd/Basque so-called fabricated history, the place to begin the search is in the Kingdom of Media, otherwise known as Kurdistan, to the north of the modern day and recently liberated, Iraq.

Kurdistan, centered on Lake Van and the twin peaks of Greater and Lesser Mount Ararat, above the Greater and Lesser Zab rivers, is a land riddled with underground caves that are big enough (2 to 3 square miles) to hold upwards 20,000 people each. As a matter of fact, Cappadocia has as many as 36 of these underground cities that together are capable of holding a combined population of at least 200,000 people. These man-made caves date back to the end of the last Ice Age; that is, 9500 BC.

The 'Eastern Question' then becomes, "Who, first created such an amnesia among the masses, as to cause them to forget reality, and replace it with the illusion that has since been known as 'history' ?". According to some experts there are three choices. Either, they were alien messengers in the service of some religious God, as the Kurds would like you to believe. Or they were simply imaginary creations of our ancestors. Or they really did once walk the earth, and still do today, yet be it underground; as beings of flesh and blood who overstand science and technology at a level which we are only now beginning to comprehend.

To me there is but one choice and that is the latter. They are Homo-Erectus, the sasquatch or watchers and their offsprings, the Nephilim, otherwise known as the Mandan MOHO; they are troglodytes who reside within the basalt layer of the earth's crust and Antarctica (Atlantis). Only they, the MOHO, could have established the national boundaries that make up the different countries of the world today and implement a tax collection or tollgating scheme that deprives the people on the surface of the earth of their birthright and turns them into braindead slaves-who-do-their-own-shopping.

The SculPTor