Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Word ~ Part 2 !

To overstand how a language can be written to be used as open source coding one must comprehend that this coding will be used to explain events that have already occurred, or, events that the illustrators have planned (and prophesied) as part of their long-term business plan.

First, the characters are designed as pictographs and each character is then given a phonetic value as well as a secret alpha and numeric value.

It is also important to realize that, since the days of the Tower of Babel (allegory), each of the world's 6000 languages were written, or converted along the way, to meet Freemasonry's standards which were set at the very beginning. This fact alone, which is the basis of all philology, leaves no doubt that the ancient Zoro-Astrian priests of Persia are behind this vast 8000 year old conspiracy which is supported by international war, trade, politics, organized religion, banking and secret societies.

The SculPTor